
   And things got better and better,  状况变得越来越好,

  and within three or four months,  三四个月后,
  I was discharged from that hospital, and I joined a group of surgeons  我出院并加入外科医师团体
  where I could work with other people in the community, not in New Haven, but fairly close by. 我可以和其他人共事,并不在康州纽黑文市,但很近.
  I stayed there for three years.  在那里我待了3年
  At the end of three years, I went back to New Haven, had remarried by that time. 3年后,我回到了纽黑文市,当时我已经再婚了.
  I brought my wife with me, actually, to make sure I could get through this.  我带着我爱人,帮助我一起康复.
  My children came back to live with us.  我的孩子也回来和我们一起住生活.
  We had two more children after that.  之后我们生了2个孩子
  Resuscitated the career, even better than it had been before.  我回到工作岗位,甚至比以前更好了.
  Went right back into the university and began to write books. 我回到大学开始写书.
  Well, you know, it's been a wonderful life.  现在的生活很好
  It's been, as I said, close to 30 years.  至今已经近30年了.
  I stopped doing surgery about six years ago  大约6年前,我停止做手术了
  and became a full-time writer, as many people know.  成为全职作家,这个很多人知道.
  But it's been very exciting. It's been very happy.  这是令人幸福和快乐的.
  Every once in a while, I have to say, "Ah, fuck it."  偶尔,我还会说:"哎呀,去他的!"
  Every once in a while, I get somewhat depressed and a little obsessional.  偶尔,我还会郁闷并有点强迫性思维
  So, I'm not free of all of this. But it's worked. It's always worked.  所以其实并没完全好,但电疗确实有效.
  Why have I chosen, after never, ever talking about this, to talk about it now?  为何我以前选择避而不谈这个,而现在却谈论它?
  Well, those of you who know some of these books know that one is about death and dying, 你们其中有些人知道我的这些书,一本讨论生死的书,
  one is about the human body and the human spirit,  关于人的身体和心灵的书,
  one is about the way mystical thoughts are constantly in our minds,  一本神秘想法萦绕于心的书,
  and they have always to do with my own personal experiences.  所有的都和我个人的经历有关系.
  One might think reading these books  读者可能会想——
  and I've gotten thousands of letters about them 我已经收到上千封信函
  by people who do think this  读者确实这么认为
  that based on my life's history as I've portrayed in the books,  从我书中描绘的个人生命史来看
  my early life's history, I am someone who has overcome adversity.  从我早期的生活看,我是个已经克服磨难的人。
  That I am someone who has drunk, drank, drunk of the bitter dregs of near-disaster in childhood 我遍尝苦难,童年历经艰辛
  and emerged not just unscathed but strengthened.  逆境没有挫败我,反而使我坚强
  I really have it figured out, so that I can advise people about death and dying, 我已经真正开悟,可以和大家分享生与死的思考,
  so that I can talk about mysticism and the human spirit.  也能谈谈神秘主意与人的心灵。