英语听力精选进阶版 6266(在线收听

Sony has hired private investigators following the theft of personal data belonging to more than 100 million online gamers.

On Tuesday the company admitted that there had been a cyber attack on the Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) network in April. The network hosts popular internet games including EverQuest and Free Realms.

This news followed an announcement last week of another security breach affecting 77 million Playstation users.

Initially, Sony believed that its SOE database had not been compromised, but they have now admitted that hackers took the names, e-mail addresses and other information of up to 25 million PC and Facebook gamers. In addition, the payment details of around twenty thousand non-US customers were taken.

In a statement, Sony warned customers to be on the lookout for any contact via e-mail, telephone or post purporting to be official Sony correspondence. Such an email would be an example of 'phishing' – an attempt to acquire sensitive information via email or the internet.

The electronics giant had already apologised for the Playstation hack, and promised to help users defend themselves from cyber attack, saying: 

"We will provide a complimentary offering to assist users in enrolling in identity theft protection services and/or similar programs."

Such promises haven't been enough to stop some people calling for the CEO Howard Stringer to resign. Sony's shares have dropped by 4% since mid-April.


Is this statement true, false or not given? Over 100 million users of SOE have had their personal details stolen. 

False - the SOE hack relates to 25 million PC and Facebook gamers.

Is this statement true, false or not given? At first, Sony didn't realise that the SOE network had undergone a cyber attack. 

True - "Initially, Sony believed that its SOE database had not been compromised".

What did Sony do to reassure users after the Playstation hack? 

They offered users access to identity theft protection services.

Look at the article. Can you see a verb meaning to pretend? 

To purport to be.

Look at the article. Can you see an adjective meaning free? 


Glossary 词汇表

personal data 个人资料 

cyber attack 网络攻击 

security breach 破坏安全的行为 

to be compromised (网络安全)受到攻击 

hacker 黑客 

payment details 银行支付信息 

to be on the lookout for something 对… 保持警戒 

to purport to be someone or something 假以、打着… 的旗号 

phishing 网络仿冒、网络钓鱼(一种网络攻击手段) 

sensitive information 敏感信息 

a hack 网络攻击 

identity theft 身份盗窃
