
   This was basically an attempt to teach our schoolchildren 这个算是尝试着教正在上学的孩子们

  that if we did get engaged in a nuclear confrontation and atomic war, 如果我们真的被卷入一次核冲突或者核战争
  then we wanted our school children to kind of basically duck and cover. 我们希望我们的孩子们迅速躲到桌子下面
  That was the principle. You -- there would be a nuclear conflagration about to hit us, 这就是基本的原则,核突击袭来时
  and if you get under your desk, things would be OK. 如果你趴在桌子底下,一切就没事了
  I didn't do all that well in psychiatry in medical school, but I was interested, 我在医学院的时候,“精神病学”学得并不是很好,但是我很感兴趣
  and I think this was seriously delusional.  而我真的认为这样的措施完全是患有妄想症的表现
  Secondly, we told people to go down in their basements and build a fallout shelter. 另外,我们告诉人们躲到地下室去,把那里作为一个放射性微粒掩蔽所
  Maybe it would be a study when we weren't having an atomic war,  也许我们可以好好研究研究,如果没有发生核战争
  or you could use it as a TV room, or, as many teenagers found out,  我们也许可以把那里当作看电视的房间,又或者,很多青少年会发现
  a very, very safe place for a little privacy with your girlfriend.  这一个绝佳的和女朋友呆在一起的私密环境
  And actually -- so there are multiple uses of the bomb shelters.  事实上,这个防空洞可以又很多用处
  Or you could buy a prefabricated bomb shelter that you could simply bury in the ground. 或者你可以买一个组装式的防空洞,你需要的只是把它埋到地里
  Now, the bomb shelters at that point -- let's say you bought a prefab one 说到防空洞,假如你买了一个组装式的,
  it would be a few hundred dollars, maybe up to 500, if you got a fancy one. 这可能要花几百美元,如果你买一个好点儿的可能要花掉500美元
  Yet, what percentage of Americans do you think ever had a bomb shelter in their house? 但是你们认为有百分之多少的美国人曾经在他们的房子下面建有一个防空洞呢?
  What percentage lived in a house with a bomb shelter?  有百分之多少的人住在有防空洞的房子里呢?
  Less than two percent.  少于总人口百分之二,
  About 1.4 percent of the population, as far as anyone knows, did anything, 只有大概百分之一点四的人,就我们目前所知,曾采取过措施
  either making a space in their basement or actually building a bomb shelter. 不管是腾出地下室作为避难所也好,或者是真的建了一个防空洞也好
  Many buildings, public buildings, around the country -- this is New York City had these little civil defense signs, 很多建筑--全国各地的公共建筑,这是在纽约--有这样的民防系统标志
  and the idea was that you would run into one of these shelters and be safe from the nuclear weaponry. 这个想法是说如果大家跑到这些避难所里就会安全,不会受到核武器的威胁