
   The humanitarian model has barely changed since the early 20th century. 人道主义的模型自从20世纪初期就几乎没有改变过

  Its origins are firmly rooted in the analog age. 它的起源在模拟时代就根深蒂固了
  And there is a major shift coming on the horizon.  海平线即将发生重大的改变
  The catalyst for this change  这个的催化剂是
  was the major earthquake that struck Haiti on the 12th of January in 2010. 发生在2010年1月12日的海地地震加快了海平线的变化
  Haiti was a game changer.  海地地震改变了环境的规则
  The earthquake destroyed the capital of Port-au-Prince,  这次地震摧毁了海地首都太子港
  claiming the lives of some 320,000 people,  导致32万人丧生
  rendering homeless about 1.2 million people. 120万人无家可归
  Government institutions were completely decapitated, including the presidential palace. 政府机构包括总统府均已倒塌
  I remember standing on the roof of the Ministry of Justice in downtown Port-au-Prince. 我记得我站在太子港市中心司法部大楼的屋顶
  It was about two meters high,  屋顶大概有2米高
  completely squashed by the violence of the earthquake. 已经被地震彻底粉碎
  For those of us on the ground in those early days,  对于我们这些地震后早期达到现场的人来说
  it was clear for even the most disaster-hardened veterans that Haiti was something different. 很显然对于那些救灾老手来说海地的情况有所不同
  Haiti was something we hadn't seen before.  海地的情况是我们未曾见过的
  But Haiti provided us with something else unprecedented.  但海地也为我们提供了前所未有的经验
  Haiti allowed us to glimpse into a future of what disaster response might look like 海地让我们了解到,人们在未来高度相连的世界里
  in a hyper-connected world where people have access to mobile smart devices. 如何应对灾难,去帮助他们逃离灾难
  Because out of the urban devastation in Port-au-Prince 由于城市之外的太子港被摧毁
  came a torrent of SMS texts -- people crying for help, 大量的手机发出短信--人们呼救,
  beseeching us for assistance, sharing data, offering support, looking for their loved ones. 寻求帮助,分享信息,提供支持,寻找他们爱的人
  This was a situation that traditional aid agencies had never before encountered. 这种情况是传统的救援机构未曾遇到的
  We were in one of the poorest countries on the planet,  我们身处全世界最贫穷的国家之一
  but 80 percent of the people had mobile devices in their hands. 但是80%的人都拥有手机
  And we were unprepared for this, and they were shaping the aid effort. 我们没有预料到,他们塑造了援助工作的模式
  Outside Haiti also, things were looking different.  海地之外,情况也不一样
  Tens of thousands of so-called digital volunteers were scouring the Internet, 成千上万所谓的“数码志愿者”在网络上搜寻
  converting tweets that had already been converted from texts 将短信信息转换成推特信息
  and putting these into open-source maps,  然后放到开放资源的地图上
  layering them with all sorts of important information -- people like Crisis Mappers and Open Street Map --  把它们和其他各种重要信息结合--这些人就如同危机地图和公开街道地图的绘图者--
  and putting these on the Web for everybody 然后把这些信息放在网上供大家
  the media, the aid organizations and the communities themselves to participate in and to use. 包括媒体,救援组织和社会群体本身让大家参与使用
  Back in Haiti, people were increasingly turning to the medium of SMS. 在海地,人民越来越倾向使用短信
  People that were hungry and hurting were signaling their distress, were signaling their need for help. 那些饥饿和受伤的人们发出遇难的信号,发出求救的信号
  On street sides all over Port-au-Prince,  在太子港的街道边
  entrepreneurs sprung up offering mobile phone charging stations. 涌现出很多创业者提供手机充电站
  They understood more than we did people's innate need to be connected. 他们比我们更懂得人与生俱来的互相连接的需要