
   One illustration of the transformational power of technology is in Kibera. 一个与科技改革力量有关的例子发生在基贝拉

  Kibera is one of Africa's largest slums.  基贝拉是非洲最大的贫民窟之一
  It's on the outskirts of Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya. 位于肯亚首都内罗毕郊区
  It's home to an unknown number of people -- some say between 250,000 and 1.2 million. 这里居住的人口数目不详--有人说大约25万到120万人之间
  If you were to arrive in Nairobi today and pick up a tourist map, 如果现在你到了内罗毕,在旅游地图上你会看到
  Kibera is represented as a lush, green national park devoid of human settlement. 基贝拉是丰富的,绿色的国家公园的代表,很少有人居住在那里
  Young people living in Kibera in their community, 住在基贝拉的年轻人,在他们的社区中,
  with simple handheld devices,  都有一些简单的手提设备
  GPS handheld devices and SMS-enabled mobile phones, have literally put themselves on the map. 全球定位系统和手机都准确地定位了他们的位置
  They have collated crowd-sourced data and rendered the invisible visible. 他们比较了许多数据资料,也帮助了迷失的人们找到方向
  People like Josh and Steve are continuing to layer information upon information, 一些人像乔希和史蒂夫不断地收集最新的资料消息
  real-time information, Tweet it and text it onto these maps for all to use. 然后把他们放在电子地图上,让大家都了解到最新情报
  You can find out about the latest impromptu music session.  你可以找到最新的即兴音乐会
  You can find out about the latest security incident.  最新的安全事故
  You can find out about places of worship.  做礼拜的场所
  You can find out about the health centers.  和保健中心
  You can feel the dynamism of this living, breathing community. 你可以感受到社区的活力四射
  They also have their own news network on YouTube with 36,000 viewers at the moment. 在YouTube(视频网站)上,他们还有自己的新闻联播,至今已有36000个观众
  They're showing us what can be done with mobile, digital technologies. 他们向我们展示了利用移动通信,数码科技能做哪些事情
  They're showing that the magic of technology can bring the invisible visible. 他们向我们展示科学技术的魔力,将无形变为有形的魔力
  And they are giving a voice to themselves.  他们可以向世界说出自己的心声
  They are telling their own story, bypassing the official narrative. 说出他们自己真实的故事,而不是由官方媒体陈述
  And we're seeing from all points on the globe similar stories.  我们可以看到许多相同的故事
  In Mongolia for instance, where 30 percent of the people are nomadic, 比如说在蒙古,30%的人是游牧民族
  SMS information systems are being used to track migration and weather patterns. 短信服务使他们能够跟着大伙迁移和了解天气
  SMS is even used to hold herder summits from remote participation. 短信服务甚至让牧羊人参与远程活动
  And if people are migrating into urban, unfamiliar, concrete environments, 如果那些人迁移到他们不熟悉的现代都市
  they can also be helped in anticipation with social supporters ready and waiting for them based on SMS knowledge. 那些事先准备好的社会支援者,在短信服务的帮助下,也可以尽快帮助他们