向前一步:第145期 让你的另一半成为你真正的人生搭档(3)(在线收听

   She said, "You're just a few months away from having a baby, 她却说:“还有几个月你就生了,

  so surely you and your husband have thought about who is going to pick up your child if he is sick at school? 显然你和你丈夫都已经考虑过孩子在学校里生病了谁去接他之类的问题,
  Who is going to arrange for child care?" And so on. 还有主要照顾孩子的人是谁,对吧?”
  I couldn't answer a single one of her questions. 我一个问题也答不上来。
  By the end of the call, I was in full panic, overwhelmed by how truly unprepared Dave and I were to handle these responsibilities. 电话采访结束时,我一想到我们对这些事情真的没有做好准备,就手足无措、大感恐慌。
  As soon as Dave walked in the door that night, I pounced. 当晚戴夫刚进门,我就扑过去抓着他说:
  "Oh my god!" I said. "We are just a few months away from having a baby, and we have never talked about any of this!" “天哪!我们还有几个月就要为人父母了,却从来都没有讨论过如何带孩子!”
  Dave looked at me like I was crazy. 戴夫看着我,一脸“你疯了吧”的表情。
  "What?" he said. "This is all we talk about." “说什么呢?”他说,“我们不是一直都在讨论生孩子吗?”
  In dissecting this discrepancy, 当出现意见上的分歧时,
  Dave and I figured out that we had spent a lot of time talking about how we would do things, but almost always in the abstract. 戴夫和我发现,我们的确是花了很多时间来讨论孩子问题,但都是纸上谈兵。
  So Dave was right that we had discussed parenthood often, and I was right that the discussion had not been that practical. 戴夫说得对,我们的确常常讨论如何为人父母;我说得也对,这种讨论太不务实。
  Part of the problem was that our inexperience made it hard even to know what specifics to cover. 由于缺乏经验,我们甚至连育儿的具体细节都不知道,
  We had very little idea what we were in for. 也完全想象不出接下来要经历怎样一个过程。
  I also think that we were in denial about the tremendous shift in our lives that was rapidly approaching. 我想,当时的我们可能还无法接受生活即将迎来巨大变化的事实。
  Dave and I were not even working in the same city when I got pregnant (although just to be clear, we were in the same place when I got pregnant). 在我怀孕期间,戴夫和我甚至都不在同一个城市工作(我得说清楚,我“怀上”孩子的时候我们俩是在一起的)。