英语听力精选进阶版 6272(在线收听

Showbiz is a tough world – even if you are a superhero.

A stage musical about Spider-Man has finally opened on Broadway to mixed reviews.

Critics praised the cast but blasted other aspects of the production, which had been delayed six times because of technical problems and injuries.

The Hollywood Reporter's David Rooney summed up the mood when he called Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark a "clunky reworking".

Ben Brantley from the New York Times said that the show had gone "from jaw-dropping badness to mere mediocrity".

The score, by U2's Bono and the Edge, also got a panning. Entertainment Weekly said the show's numbers were "a mostly lacklustre collection of forgettable tunes".

Despite the poor reception, the musical might still be a hit. Tickets are selling out and lots of celebrities went to the opening night, including Bill Clinton, the rapper Jay-Z and Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Over in the West End, another stage adaptation of a Hollywood movie has had a more positive reception. Shrek the Musical opened on Tuesday evening.

Writing in the Guardian, Michael Billington said the show was "genuinely theatrical," although he was disappointed with the score. He also praised the performances, in particular that of Nigel Harman, whom he said stole the show as the evil Farquaad.

Quiz 小测验

1. Did the critics in New York praise the actors in Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark? 

Yes, they praised the cast.

2. Does it look like Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark will be a commercial success? 

Yes, tickets are selling out.

3. Shrek the Musical is a stage adaptation of a film. Can you guess what a film version of a stage musical is called? 

A screen adaptation. You can also say a movie / film adaptation.

4. Look at the article. What word is a short form of 'show business'? 


5. Look at the article. What word means 'songs'? 


Glossary 词汇表

showbiz 娱乐界 

to open on Broadway 在纽约百老汇上演 

mixed reviews 评价不一,有好评也有批评 

cast 演员阵容 

to blast something 强烈抨击 

clunky reworking 笨拙的改版 

jaw-dropping 令人吃惊的 

mediocrity 平庸 

score 乐谱 

a panning 一顿痛斥 

number 歌曲或舞蹈 

lacklustre 死气沉沉的,无光泽的 

forgettable 容易忘记的 

poor reception 反响不佳 

hit 叫座的演出 

to sell out 全卖光了 

the West End 伦敦西区,是戏院的聚集地 

stage adaptation 舞台编剧 

theatrical 戏剧性的 

to steal the show 大出风头,全场的焦点
