
   Now, when we think about changing human nature,  那么,当我们考虑改变人类本质时,

  the first thing that comes to mind are these human modification technologies 首先想到的便是那些人类改造技术
  growth hormone therapy, cosmetic surgery,  荷尔蒙生长疗法,整容手术,
  stimulants like Ritalin, Adderall, anti-depressants, anabolic steroids, artificial hearts. 如利他林,安非他命缓释剂之类的兴奋剂,抗抑郁剂,合成代谢类固醇,人造心脏。
  It's a pretty pathetic list.  这是一张可悲的清单。
  They do great things for a few people who suffer from some specific condition, 这些技术极大地帮助了一部分人,这些人患有某些特定的病症。
  but for most people, they don't really transform what it is to be human. 但对与大多数人来说,它们并不能真正改变人的本质。
  And they also all seem a little bit 并且,它们看起来也有点
  most people have this instinct that, well, sure,  大多数人都会本能地认为,
  there needs to be anti-depressants for the really depressed people.  虽然抗抑郁剂对严重抑郁的人来说确实是必须的,
  But there's a kind of queasiness that these are unnatural in some way. 但这里面总有一点让人不舒服的成分,因为在某种程度上说,这毕竟是很不自然的。
  It's worth recalling that there are a lot of other modification technologies 值得一提的是,有许多其他的改造技术
  and enhancement technologies that we use.  和改善技术供我们使用。
  We have skin enhancements, clothing.  我们有改善皮肤的产品,服装。
  As far as I can see, all of you are users of this enhancement technology in this room, so that's a great thing. 据我的观察,你们所有人都是这改善技术的使用者,所以这是个好东西。
  Mood modifiers have been used from time immemorial --  自古以来,情绪改善剂就一直为人们所使用——
  caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, immune system enhancement, vision enhancement, anesthetics 咖啡因、酒精、尼古丁、免疫系统增强剂、视力增强品、麻醉剂。
  we take that very much for granted,  我们通常认为这些是理所当然的,没什么稀奇,
  but just think about how great progress that is -- like, 但想想看这是多么伟大的进步--比如,
  having an operation before anesthetics was not fun.  不实施麻醉而进行手术可不是好玩的。
  Contraceptives, cosmetics and brain reprogramming techniques -- that sounds ominous, 避孕药、美容用品和大脑重新编程技术--听起来并不像什么好事。
  but the distinction between what is a technology -- a gadget would be the archetype -- 但技术--典型的例子就是小装置,
  and other ways of changing and rewriting human nature is quite subtle.  以及其他改变和重塑人类本质的方法,这两者的差别很微妙。