
  I'm interested in the kind of constituency that thinks something along these lines: 我对有些情况非常感兴趣,有些人会说:
  that thinks, "I can't believe in any of this stuff.  “我完全不相信这些宗教
  I can't believe in the doctrines.  那些教义,那些学说
  I don't think these doctrines are right.  我觉得它们全部都是假的
  But," a very important but, "I love Christmas carols.  但是,”一个非常重要的但是,“我会喜欢圣诞颂歌
  I really like the art of Mantegna.  我非常喜欢曼坦那的艺术
  I really like looking at old churches.  还非常喜欢那些古老的教堂
  I really like turning the pages of the Old Testament."  而且还喜欢看旧约圣书”
  Whatever it may be, you know the kind of thing I'm talking about 这样类似的情况还有很多,你懂我的意思吧
  people who are attracted to the ritualistic side, the moralistic, communal side of religion, 有些人喜欢宗教仪式,喜欢宗教里的道德,文化
  but can't bear the doctrine.  但他们就是讨厌那些教条
  Until now, these people have faced a rather unpleasant choice.  直到现在,他们一直都非常为难
  It's almost as though either you accept the doctrine and then you can have all the nice stuff, 要么你接受那些信仰,然后你可以享受那些文化,艺术,道德
  or you reject the doctrine and you're living in some kind of spiritual wasteland 要么你排斥那些教条,然后你就不能拥有那些崇高的灵魂
  under the guidance of CNN and Walmart.  并且在CNN和沃尔玛的光辉下被遗弃
  So that's a sort of tough choice.  所以那些人就很难选择
  I don't think we have to make that choice.  但我觉得我们不必去做这些选择
  I think there is an alternative.  我们可以有第三种选择
  I think there are ways -- and I'm being both very respectful and completely impious -- of stealing from religions. 我觉得--而卧是无比的尊重但同时不虔诚的这么说--我觉得我们可以从宗教里剽窃一些文化
  If you don't believe in a religion,  如果你不相信宗教
  there's nothing wrong with picking and mixing,  把宗教和世俗的文化混一起没什么关系
  with taking out the best sides of religion.  把自己享受宗教最好的一面也没事
  And for me, atheism 2.0 is about both, as I say, 对我来说,无神论2.0是对宗教充满敬意
  a respectful and an impious way of going through religions and saying, "What here could we use?" 而同时又不对神有所景仰,就像走进宗教的世界去寻找对我们有用的东西
  The secular world is full of holes.  世俗的世界有许多缺点
  We have secularized badly, I would argue.  我觉得许多人都被严重地世俗化了

  And a thorough study of religion could give us all sorts of insights into areas of life that are not going too well. 而对宗教的学习研究可以帮助我们看破尘世,帮助我们走出生活中的窘境 
