
   No, we need to be polite about differences. 不一定,我们只是需要礼貌地对待另一方

  Politeness is a much-overlooked virtue. It's seen as hypocrisy. 有时候礼貌都被我们忽视了。有时候我们觉得那是虚伪
  But we need to get to a stage when you're an atheist and someone says, 如果你是个无神论者,而有个人对你说
  "Well you know, I did pray the other day," you politely ignore it. You move on. "你知道嘛,那天我祈祷了"。你应该礼貌地无视这话,该干嘛干嘛去
  Because you've agreed on 90 percent of things,  因为你们两个可以认同90%的事情
  because you have a shared view on so many things, and you politely differ. 因为你们的世界有很多相似的地方,你们只是稍微有那么一点不同,但不伤和气
  And I think that's what the religious wars of late have ignored.  我认为近年的有无神的争论忽视了这点
  They've ignored the possibility of harmonious disagreement.  他们忘记了人们即使不同也能和谐地在一起
  And finally, does this new thing that you're proposing that's not a religion but something else, 最后,你说的无神论2.0,它本身不是个宗教
  does it need a leader, and are you volunteering to be the pope? 但它需要一个领袖吗,而你又是否愿意当这个领袖呢
  Well, one thing that we're all very suspicious of is individual leaders. It doesn't need it. 好吧,我们都对个人领袖非常警惕。但无神论不需要领袖
  What I've tried to lay out is a framework and I'm hoping that people can just fill it in. 我所说的只是一个框架理论,而我希望大家可以自由发挥实践
  I've sketched a sort of broad framework.  我只是大概地勾勒出一个结构
  But wherever you are, as I say, if you're in the travel industry, do that travel bit.  那不管你是谁,就像如果你是搞旅游的,那就专门钻研宗教中的旅游
  If you're in the communal industry, look at religion and do the communal bit. So it's a wiki project. 如果你在社群里工作,那就专门钻研宗教里的社群方面。所以这就像维基百科一样