
   In fact, the endurance of religion as a lens through which most people view moral questions 事实上,在许久以来,宗教成为人们关注道德的角度

  has separated most moral talk from real questions of human and animal suffering. 让所有的道德议题都和人类和动物的痛苦脱钩
  This is why we spend our time talking about things like gay marriage 这就是为什么我们花费精神讨论同性恋是不是应该结婚
  and not about genocide or nuclear proliferation or poverty or any other hugely consequential issue. 而不是种族灭绝或是核子武器激增,或是贫穷和其它一样严重的议题
  But the demagogues are right about one thing: We need a universal conception of human values. 但这些宗教煽动者说对了一件事,我们需要一个普世价值
  Now, what stands in the way of this?  为什么这会这么困难?
  Well, one thing to notice is that we do something different when talking about morality 其中一件是就是当我们讨论道德,我们这些没有特殊宗教的、学术的、科学家型的人
  especially secular, academic, scientist types.  就会产生差别待遇
  When talking about morality we value differences of opinion in a way that we don't in any other area of our lives. 当我们讨论道德,我们就开始尊重不同意见,但我们在其它方面不会这样做
  So, for instance the Dalai Lama gets up every morning meditating on compassion, 举例来说,达赖喇嘛每天早上起来思考仁爱精神
  and he thinks that helping other human beings is an integral component of human happiness. 他认为帮助其它人类是带来人类快乐的一部分
  On the other hand, we have someone like Ted Bundy;  另外一边我们有Ted Bundy
  Ted Bundy was very fond of abducting and raping and torturing and killing young women. 他的兴趣是绑架和强暴虐待和杀害这些年轻女孩
  So, we appear to have a genuine difference of opinion about how to profitably use one's time. 很明显的,这里我们看到每个人对打发时间都有不同的看法
  Most Western intellectuals look at this situation and say, 大部分的西方学者看到这个状况会说,
  "Well, there's nothing for the Dalai Lama to be really right about -- really right about-- “嗯事实上达赖喇嘛也不是完全正确,绝对正确
  or for Ted Bundy to be really wrong about that admits of a real argument that potentially falls within the purview of science. Ted Bundy也不是绝对错误,这其中没有真正的讨论价值,这是科学范畴的事