英语听力精选进阶版 6294(在线收听

Larry the cat is still top dog at Number 10 Downing Street.

The British Prime Minister's cat was brought in earlier this year after a large rat was seen running around.

But he has lately become tangled up in controversy. On Monday it emerged that a mouse had appeared at a Prime Ministerial dinner.

Then on Tuesday Larry was photographed sleeping on the job, as he took a nap during the arrival of ministers for their weekly cabinet meeting.

Has Larry become just another government fat cat? David Cameron's spokesman dismissed rumours that the tabby's predatory drive isn't as strong as it was believed – even though it has emerged that the PM had to throw a fork at a mouse during a recent dinner with ministers.

Larry isn't the first 'First Pet' to be dogged by controversy. George W Bush's dog Barney's pet hate seemed to be journalists. Being on a leash didn't prevent him from biting a reporter's finger.

But then, that's exactly the kind of loyalty a premier needs. Pets are steadfast, companionable and of course never let the cat out of the bag.

Indeed, in the dog eat dog world of politics, it must sometimes feel like a dog is not just man's best friend, but his only one.

In 1997, while Bill Clinton was himself in the doghouse for his affair with the White House intern Monica Lewinsky, he was photographed constantly in the company of his Labrador, Buddy. As the saying goes: "If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog".

Quiz 小测验

1. Why was Larry criticised? 

Because he didn't catch a mouse that was seen at a ministerial dinner and he has also been photographed sleeping during the day.

2. Is this statement true, false or not given? Larry is the PM's black cat. 

False. He is a striped cat - a tabby.

3. Is this statement true, false or not given? Animals are convenient companions for politicians because they can't reveal state secrets. 

True. As they don't speak they can't let the cat out of the bag.

4. Look at the article. What animal idiom refers to someone who is paid too much? 

Fat cat.

5. Look at the article. What animal idiom can be used when someone is in trouble with somebody? 

To be in the doghouse.

Glossary 词汇表

top dog 首领,头号人物 

to be tangled up 陷入某种纠纷 

to sleep on the job 怠工,打盹 

a fat cat 肥猫,指薪水过高的人 

to dismiss rumours 否认谣言 

a tabby (虎斑)猫 

predatory drive 寻食的本能/动力 

the First Pet 相当于第一夫人的位置 

to be dogged by something 受到某事的负面影响 

a pet hate 特别讨厌的东西或人 

to be on a leash 拴在链条/绳索上 

to bite 咬 

steadfast 立场坚定的,不变的 

companionable 友善的 

to let the cat out of the bag 不小心吐露了秘密 

dog eat dog 狗咬狗,无情竞争 

man's best friend 人类最忠实地朋友 

to be in the doghouse 被打入冷宫
