英语听力精选进阶版 6295(在线收听

Most people feel miserable when they are made redundant from their job.

Not Jason Schneider. After struggling to find a new post, this 26-year-old American decided to go freelance.

You'll find him in New York's Central Park holding a sign advertising his services: it says that he tells jokes for a dollar and that laughter is guaranteed.

But Schneider says that it is not an easy way to make a living. He finds himself on duty 80 to 88 hours a week.

Times have been hard for job seekers in many developed economies since the economic downturn started in 2008.

As with everywhere else, in Britain the job market has been slow and vacancies are difficult to come by.

Jobless people are having to think outside the box in order to rejoin the workforce at a time when companies are having to lay off staff.

Joe Busby, a graduate from Gateshead, has also found a way to stand out from the crowd and possibly catch the attention of a prospective employer. Busby has printed his CV on a T-shirt.

But there are more conventional ways to win a new position. Experts advise job hunters to brush up on their skills.

They should intensify their networking and consider applying for jobs for which they are overqualified.

Quiz 小测验

1. Has Jason Schneider decided to work independently? 

Yes, he decided to go freelance.

2. What has been making it difficult for people to find work? 

The economic downturn that started in 2008.

3. Where can potential employers learn about Joe Busby's work history? 

He has had his CV printed on a T-shirt.

4. Is this statement true, false or not given? According to the experts, there is value in making contact with people who may be able to recommend or offer you work. 

True. Experts advise job hunters to "intensify their networking".

5. Look at the article. What phrase means "to appear different from other people"? 

To stand out from the crowd.

Glossary 词汇表

to be made redundant 被裁员了 

a post 一份工作 

to go freelance 成为自由职业者 

to make a living 挣钱 

on duty 值班 

a job seeker 找工作者 

the economic downturn 经济低迷 

a vacancy 一个工作空缺 

to come by something 得到什么东西 

jobless 失业了 

to think outside the box (成语)跳出常规模式来思考问题 

workforce 劳动人口,劳动力 

to lay someone off (为了节省开支而)解雇工作人员 

to stand out from the crowd 鹤立鸡群,与众不同 

a prospective employer 可能给你工作的公司 

a CV 一份个人履历 

a new position 一个新工作、新职位 

to brush up on one's skills 复习、提高一个人的技能 

overqualified 资历过高的 

networking 人脉网络
