英语听力精选进阶版 6324(在线收听

Recently a man proposed in front of 20,000 people at London's Olympic Stadium. Charity mascot Wendell Raphael, 40, was shown on the big screen at a test event saying: "Bindi Bhambra, will you marry me?"

She was shown in tears nodding her head to say yes.

The video website YouTube offers an array of elaborate and often very public proposals. Popping the question used to be a private occasion set in a restaurant or a peaceful garden. In 2011, a marriage proposal which featured a hired choir on a packed London train was viewed by millions online.

While that particular recipient of the proposal might be delighted, not everybody likes to be put on the spot. "You would either be thrilled or mortified by that," says celebrity wedding planner Siobhan Craven-Robins.

The increased level of expectation that surrounds weddings these days has led to people feeling that their proposal also has to be out of the ordinary, she says.

Glenn Wilson, a consultant psychologist, thinks public wedding proposals may sometimes be a ploy on the part of men. The woman may feel rather constrained in how she can respond.

"It's possible that some men think that this will pile pressure upon her and increase the likelihood of getting a positive response, that she must think that he really loves her if he goes to this extent of trouble and trickery."

"There is tremendous social and public pressure behind the woman to say 'yes'," says Wilson. "If she says 'no' so publicly it's difficult to revise that response later.

Jo Bryant, etiquette advisor, says: "A public proposal that could be particularly loud, intrusive or embarrassing for people to watch should be avoided."

One refusal cost a woman who said "no" dearly at a NBA basketball match in the US. She was booed by the crowd, while the distraught man was consoled by a giant cuddly mascot.

Quiz 小测验

1. According to the article, what are the places where people used to propose marriage in a private way?

A restaurant or a peaceful garden.

2. What are the reactions wedding planner Siobhan Craven-Robins expects from out of the ordinary proposals?

That people feel either thrilled or mortified.

3. True, false or not given: People who are not in love with their partner don't say 'yes' to public proposals.

False. According to the article, they might feel they have no choice but accept the proposal.

4. In the article, where did the refused marriage proposal take place?

They were in the US, at a NBA basketball match.

5. Look at the article. Can you find the expression used when referring to putting pressure on people to make a decision?

Put on the spot.

Glossary 词汇表

to propose 求婚

to nod (her/his) head 点头同意

elaborate 夸张的,复杂的

a recipient 接收者

to put on the spot 让人为难,即刻作出决定

thrilled 使人兴奋

mortified 使人羞愧

expectation 期望

out of the ordinary 与众不同的

a ploy 一种策略

constrained 约束

to pile pressure upon (somebody) 给某人施加压力

the likelihood 可能性

a positive response 一个正面的答复

public pressure 公众压力

intrusive 侵扰

embarrassing 尴尬

refusal 拒绝

to be booed 被人嘘

distraught 心烦意乱的,沮丧的

to be consoled 受人安抚,安慰
