
   And if the results come out that actually they do, 如果结论是她们真的快乐

  are you prepared to shift your instinctive current judgment on some of these issues? 你准备好改变你现在在这些议题上的直观判断了吗?
  Well yeah, modulo one obvious fact, 举个真实案例
  that you can love someone in the context of a truly delusional belief system. 就算在一个虚假的道德体系里,你还是可以爱人
  So, you can say like, "Because I knew my gay son was going to go to hell if he found a boyfriend, 你会说,“因为我爱我的儿子,我不想他因为他的男朋友下地狱
  I chopped his head off. And that was the most compassionate thing I could do."  于是我把他的头砍下来,这就是我对他的爱
  If you get all those parts aligned, yes I think you could probably be feeling the emotion of love. 如果你能找到一个均衡,是的你仍然可以感觉到一种爱
  But again, then we have to talk about well-being in a larger context. 但是我们也必须把幸福放到更大的背景下来谈
  It's all of us in this together,  这是我们共同的功课
  not one man feeling ecstasy and then blowing himself up on a bus. 不是一个男人进入一种狂喜状态就可以在巴士上把自己炸掉
  Sam, this is a conversation I would actually love to continue for hours. 我很希望这个对话可以继续几个小时
  We don't have that, but maybe another time. Thank you for coming to TED.  虽然现在不行,或许在不远的将来。谢谢你来TED演讲
  Really an honor. Thank you. 是我的荣幸,谢谢你。