
   We do our best to ignore the fact that we don't always have it, 我们尽管忽略一项事实,我们并不常有敬畏之心

  and that not everything can be explained.  也不是一切事情都能解释
  Yet whether you're a rationalist or a mystic,  然而,无论你是理性主义者,或是神秘主义者
  whether you think the words Muhammad heard that night came from inside himself or from outside, 无论你认为穆罕穆德那夜听到的声音是发自内心,还是来自外面
  what's clear is that he did experience them,  他确实地亲身经历过
  and that he did so with a force that would shatter his sense of himself and his world 他这样做,有一种力量削弱他的感觉和他的世界
  and transform this otherwise modest man into a radical advocate for social and economic justice. 并使这心里谦逊的人转变为社会公正和经济公正的激进提倡者
  Fear was the only sane response, the only human response. 恐惧是唯一合乎情理的反应,唯一乎合人性的反应
  Too human for some, like conservative Muslim theologians who maintain that 对某些人来说太人性化了,就像那些保守的穆斯林神学家断言
  the account of his wanting to kill himself shouldn't even be mentioned, 穆罕穆德想要自杀根本不应该被提及,
  despite the fact that it's in the earliest Islamic biographies. 尽管事实是最早的伊斯兰传记已有记载
  They insist that he never doubted for even a single moment, let alone despaired. 他们坚持认为穆罕穆德从未有一刻怀疑过,更别说绝望了
  Demanding perfection, they refuse to tolerate human imperfection. 要追求完美,所以拒绝容忍人性的不完美
  Yet what, exactly, is imperfect about doubt?  那么,怀疑的不完美到底是什么呢?
  As I read those early accounts, I realized it was precisely Muhammad's doubt that brought him alive for me, 当我阅读这些早期文献时,我意识到这正是穆罕穆德的怀疑让他活现眼前
  that allowed me to begin to see him in full, to accord him the integrity of reality. 让我开始更全面认识他,把他和现实联系起来