
   In effect, they are the infidels.  实际上,他们才是异教徒

  Like fundamentalists of all religious stripes, they have no questions, only answers. 像所有不同宗教的原教旨主义者一样,他们没有发问问题,只有答案
  They found the perfect antidote to thought and the ideal refuge of the hard demands of real faith. 为思想找到了完美的对抗手段,为对真正的信仰提供理想避难所
  They don't have to struggle for it like Jacob wrestling through the night with the angel, 他们不必像雅各那样挣扎,整夜与天使摔角
  or like Jesus in his 40 days and nights in the wilderness,  或像耶稣一样在荒野外耗上四十昼夜
  or like Muhammad, not only that night on the mountain,  或像穆罕穆德一样,不只在那夜的山顶
  but throughout his years as a prophet, with the Koran constantly urging him not to despair, 而且他作为先知的日子中,《可兰经》一直使他不要失望
  and condemning those who most loudly proclaim  同时指责那些高声宣扬
  that they know everything there is to know and that they and they alone are right. 自己无所不知,以及只有他自己才正确的人
  And yet we, the vast and still far too silent majority,  然而,我们这些沉默的大多数
  have ceded the public arena to this extremist minority.  已把舞台让给少数的极端主义者
  We've allowed Judaism to be claimed by violently messianic West Bank settlers, 我们已经允许暴力的,以救世主自居的约旦河西岸定居者自我宣称为犹太教
  Christianity by homophobic hypocrites and misogynistic bigots, 惧怕同性恋的伪君子和厌恶女人的偏执狂自我宣称为基督徒
  Islam by suicide bombers.  自杀式炸弹袭击者自我宣称为伊斯兰教
  And we've allowed ourselves to be blinded to the fact that  允许我们自己对这样的事实视而不见
  no matter whether they claim to be Christians, Jews or Muslims, 不管他们自我宣称为基督教徒,犹太人或伊斯兰教徒
  militant extremists are none of the above.  而激进的极端主义者,并不是以上任何一种教徒
  They're a cult all their own, blood brothers steeped in other people's blood. 他们属于邪教,血腥兄弟干预他人的血海深仇
  This isn't faith. It's fanaticism, and we have to stop confusing the two. 这不是有关信仰的,而是狂热主义,我们须避免混淆二者