
   We have to recognize that real faith has no easy answers.  我们须认识到真正的信仰,从来没有简单答案

  It's difficult and stubborn.  它是困难的、固执而不顺从的
  It involves an ongoing struggle,  牵涉不间断的挣扎
  a continual questioning of what we think we know, a wrestling with issues and ideas. 要不断怀疑自以为知道的,它是一场争议和想法之争
  It goes hand in hand with doubt, in a never-ending conversation with it, 在不停的对话中,它和怀疑如影随形
  and sometimes in conscious defiance of it.  某时有意地蔑视怀疑
  And this conscious defiance is why I, as an agnostic, can still have faith. 作为一名不可知论者,这种有意识地蔑视怀疑就是为什么我仍然要有信仰
  I have faith, for instance, that peace in the Middle East is possible 例如,我相信中东地区和平是可行的
  despite the ever-accumulating mass of evidence to the contrary. 尽管越来越多证据证明事实恰恰相反
  I'm not convinced of this. I can hardly say I believe it. 我不相信这点,也很难说我相信
  I can only have faith in it, commit myself, that is, to the idea of it, 我只能护卫着信仰,致力于它的理念
  and I do this precisely because of the temptation  我这样做正因为诱惑
  to throw up my hands in resignation and retreat into silence. 让我举起双手投降,并退回到沉默中
  Because despair is self-fulfilling.  因为绝望是一种自我实现
  If we call something impossible, we act in such a way that we make it so. 如果我们认为某些事不可能,我们就以这样的方式行动使它真的不可能实现
  And I, for one, refuse to live that way.  对我来说,我拒绝这样生活