英语听力精选进阶版 6334(在线收听

As HM Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee fast approaches, one group of people are really making the most of the opportunity.

These people are unique in their 'royal duties', but they don't work for the Queen; they impersonate her. This month the Queen's look-alikes are out in force.

Margaret Southcoat has been working as a professional impersonator of the Queen for 13 years. As Britain prepares to celebrate 60 years of the Queen's reign, she says her diary has never been busier. The actress has a full schedule of events where she will be fooling people into believing she is the real thing.

Elizabeth Richard is another professional look-alike whose uncanny resemblance to the Queen has led to her portraying the monarch at many press events. Her attention to detail includes wearing clothing that closely mimics that of Her Majesty, including elegant dresses, jewellery and hats.

Earlier this month, another counterfeit Queen sparked a frenzy at a shopping centre in Shanghai. Crowds flocked to try and get a glimpse of the substitute sovereign, but after a double-take they soon realised she was a fake. But the knock-off version still provided an amusing photo opportunity for everyone.

With so many enthusiastic fans of the Royal Family around the world, these dead ringers are able to keep the fascination with the Royal Family very much alive. So if you saw someone who looked like the Queen, would you be able to tell the difference?

Quiz 小测验

1. What is another title given to someone who works as a professional look-alike?

an impersonator, a mimic

2. What phrase is used to describe an extraordinary physical likeness to someone else?

uncanny resemblance

3. What word is used to describe the level of excitement in the crowd?


4. True, false or not given: to double-take means to have a delayed reaction to a situation?


5. Which of these are informal terms to describe someone who looks identical to someone else? a dead ringer, an impersonator, a substitute, a knock-off

a dead ringer, a knock-off

Glossary 词汇表

making the most of 最大程度的利用

impersonate 冒充,模仿

look-alikes 样貌相似者

out in force 出动

actress 女演员

fooling 愚弄

uncanny resemblance 惊人的相似

portraying 饰演

attention to detail 对细节的关注

mimics 模仿

counterfeit 假冒产品

sparked a frenzy 引起轰动

substitute 替代品

double-take 再看了一眼,仔细看了一下

fake 冒牌货

knock-off 仿冒品

dead ringers 酷似的人

tell the difference 看出不同之处
