英语听力精选进阶版 6342(在线收听

Oh no, not again! England’s football team have crashed out of the Euro 2012 football tournament after losing another penalty shootout.

The ‘Three Lions’, as England are known, were almost pipped at the post by a strong Italian team who came close to scoring before the final whistle. But the match hung in the balance at nil-nil after extra time.

England fans – frustrated at failing on penalties in six previous tournaments – were hopeful this would be their winning night.

The psychological pressure on the players was massive. After two successful penalties, the omens looked good. However, England players Ashley Young and Ashley Cole misplaced their spot-kicks and fans were left with their hearts in their mouths.

The skilful Italians soon thwarted any hope of English victory. The Italian striker Alessandro Diamanti put the final nail in the coffin by coolly slotting in the winner past England goalkeeper Joe Hart.

As Italian fans and players celebrated, English dreams were left shattered and deflated. England captain, Steven Gerrard, said his players were heartbroken at their departure from the tournament. The agonising jinx of losing a match on penalties continues to haunt the England team.

The players must now return home with their tails between their legs. But there is some consolation: the young team only lost by a narrow margin and the setback will last just two years before England mount their next challenge at the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.

But if faced with another penalty shootout, can England finally overcome the odds and triumph?

Quiz 测验

1. By what other name is the England football team known?

The Three Lions

2. What phrase describes when a result is not known and remains in suspense?

hung in the balance

3. What word in the article means zero?


4. What verb means 'stopped' or 'prevented'?


5. What word means something has bad luck?


Glossary 词汇表

crashed out 出局,被淘汰

penalty shootout 罚点球

pipped at the post 在最后一刻被击败,功败垂成

hung in the balance 不相上下,胜败未定

the omens 预兆

misplaced 错误判断

with their hearts in their mouths 悬心吊胆,心惊肉跳

thwarted 挫败

the final nail in the coffin 盖馆定论,最终失败

shattered 粉碎,破灭

deflated 泄气

heartbroken 伤心的

jinx 厄运

to haunt 萦绕

with their tails between their legs 夹着尾巴

consolation 安慰

a narrow margin 比分相差极小

setback 挫折

overcome the odds 克服困难
