英语听力精选进阶版 6347(在线收听

Does the removal of a wedding ring mean that marital bliss has gone or even that divorce is looming?

That seems to be the message people are sending when they take off their wedding band. Actress Katie Holmes was seen in New York without hers after filing for divorce from Tom Cruise.

As soon as the newspapers suggest that a celebrity relationship is on the rocks, the couple will be scrutinised for real signs the marriage is over - the "noticeably bare finger".

Not everyone wears a ring after they get married, but for those who do it is usually deeply symbolic, a sign of commitment. There's a painful contrast between the joyous ceremony involved when people tie the knot, and the loneliness when things haven't worked out.

For some couples, the ring comes off and goes back on as the relationship goes through its ups and downs. "Taking it off does help one psychologically," says agony aunt Virginia Ironside. "But it's a pretty emotional decision."

If the separation appears to be amicable, some people might not rush to remove the ring. Singer Seal said in an interview that he'd wear his ring, even after it had been announced that he and wife Heidi Klum were to split. "It's a token of how I feel about this woman," he said.

But on the other hand, the divorce process can be lengthy and many people get anxious over the right time to remove the ring - when lawyers are taken on, or when the decree absolute comes through. Many will feel they are living a lie wearing it, but are worried in case it looks like they are back on the dating scene.

The ring was supposedly worn on fourth finger of the left hand because of a belief in ancient times in a vein running from there directly to the heart, which the Romans called "vena amoris" - "vein of love". Archaeologists found evidence of brides' wedding bands in hieroglyphics of ancient Egyptians, for whom a circle symbolised eternity.

Quiz 测验

1. What happens when newspapers say that a relationship is not going well?

The couple is scrutinised for signs that the marriage is really over.

2. Look at the article. Is this statement true, false or not given: Seal decided to wear his wedding band because his wife was still in love with him?

It's not given. All we know is that he sees it as a symbol of how he feels about his wife.

3. What is the name of the final legal step to end a marriage?

A decree absolute.

4. What expression is used in the article that means 'to get married'?

To tie the knot.

5. According to the article, what other two civilizations used a ring to represent marriage?

Ancient Romans and Ancient Egyptians

Glossary 词汇表

marital bliss 婚姻之幸福

to take off (a ring) 摘下(戒指)

a wedding band 结婚戒指

to file (for divorce) 提出(离婚)

on the rocks 关系(触礁)紧张

to scrutinise 仔细的查看

a bare finger 光手指(什么都没戴)

to wear (a ring) 戴上(戒指) 

symbolic 象征性的

commitment 承诺 

joyous 欢乐的

to tie the knot 结婚,联姻

to work out 解决(问题)

ups and downs 起伏

an agony aunt 一个读者来信专栏

amicable 友好的

to split 分离,分道扬镳

a token of (something) 一种表示

a decree absolute 法庭离婚判决书

dating scene 约会场景
