英语听力精选进阶版 6349(在线收听

Can a computer create music as good as Mozart's? Armand Leroi from Imperial College, London, believes fantastic music can be made without a composer.

Dr Bob MacCallum has been working on Darwin Tunes, a computer programme that can evolve music out of noise.

It's a Darwinian process: at first there are two loops of noise and, as in nature, these 'reproduce' to create four loops, then again to create eight, then 16, and so on.

Volunteers were brought in to rate the tunes: those not liked were thrown out, while those that hit the right note were allowed to breed to create a new generation of songs.

At first the melodies sounded like a bad jam session but, after a few hundred generations, they started to strike a chord. While no 'Bravos' were heard, the tunes improved quickly from their discordant beginnings.

With bigger, faster computers and millions of people's ratings, will this elevator music evolve into masterpieces?

Professor Leroi sings the praises of this new idea: "Would it be Mozart? No, I don't think so. It would have no composer behind it, it wouldn't be the act of any individual musical genius, it would just be the people's music in its purest form."

One thing is for sure: Professor Leroi's grand vision for the future of the Darwinian music machine won't be music to the ears of composers and musicians.

Quiz 测验

1. What has Dr Bob MacCallum been working on?

A computer programme called Darwin Tunes that creates music from noise.

2. What does the project have in common with Darwin's theory of evolution?

Just like in nature, sounds evolve with every new generation: the weakest are thrown out while the best, strongest, tunes reproduce to create a new generation of songs.

3. Which word in the article is used as an expression of appreciation at the end of a performance?


4. True, false or not given: many people listen to Darwin Tunes in the elevator.

Not given. The article calls these songs 'elevator music', which means this music is not very exciting.

5. What expression in the article refers to musicians improvising music together?

A jam session.

Glossary 词汇表

composer 作曲家

Darwinian 进化论的

loop 循环,指音乐里的循环段落

to rate 评价

tune 曲调

to hit the right note 找到正确的音符,比喻做对了事情

melody 旋律

jam session 即兴演奏

to strike a chord 达成一个和弦

bravo 好,观众叫好

discordant 不和谐的

rating 评分

elevator music 公共场所经常播放的乏味的音乐

masterpiece 杰作,大师级作品

to sing the praises of 赞颂,歌颂

musical genius 音乐天才

to be music to the ears 悦耳的音乐,比喻好消息
