
   Everybody talks about happiness these days. 最近大家都在谈论着快乐。

  I had somebody count the number of books with "happiness" in the title published in the last five years 在过去的五年里,我请人数了近年来有多本书的书名中提到“快乐”,
  and they gave up after about 40, and there were many more. 他们数到大约有40本,而且还有更多没数到的。
  There is a huge wave of interest in happiness, among researchers. 现今越来越多研究者都开始对快乐这个议题产生兴趣。
  There is a lot of happiness coaching. 而且还有很多的“快乐教练”授课。
  Everybody would like to make people happier. 让其他人更快乐是他们的宗旨。
  But in spite of all this flood of work, 虽然此类工作多如牛毛,
  there are several cognitive traps that sort of make it almost impossible to think straight about happiness. 但现仍存在几个认知上的陷阱,这些陷阱将会增加使人领悟快乐本质的难度。
  And my talk today will be mostly about these cognitive traps. 我今天将主要谈论这些认知陷阱。
  This applies to laypeople thinking about their own happiness, 这些陷阱既会影响到一般人对自身快乐的观感,
  and it applies to scholars thinking about happiness, 而且也会影响到学者对快乐的判断,
  because it turns out we're just as messed up as anybody else is. 因为人无完人,我们皆会出错。
  The first of these traps is a reluctance to admit complexity. 第一个陷阱是不愿意去承认快乐的复杂性。
  It turns out that the word "happiness" is just not a useful word anymore, 事实证明快乐这个词已不再是常用词汇了,
  because we apply it to too many different things. 因为我们已用其来诠释太多的事物了。
  I think there is one particular meaning to which we might restrict it, 我想我们应该限定它的意思,
  but by and large, this is something that we'll have to give up 不过,一般而言,我们得放弃这个想法
  and we'll have to adopt the more complicated view of what well-being is. 并用更复杂的观点来看何谓快乐生活。