
   And that's one of the things that I enjoy most about this convention. 关于这大会我最享受的事之一就是

  It's not so much, as so little as to do with what everything is.  都跟"万物为何"这个话题有着多多少少的关系
  But it is within our self-interest to understand the topography of our lives unto ourselves. 了解一下生命的崎岖和我们自身的关系是为了自身利益
  The future states that there is no time 未来表明并不存在时间
  other than the collapsation of that sensation of the mirror of the memories in which we are living. 只不过是我们在记忆影像中的生活轰然崩塌而已
  Common knowledge, but important nonetheless. 虽说是常识,但也还是很重要的
  As we face fear in these times, and fear is all around us, we also have anti-fear. 在这种情况下我们感到恐惧,恐惧无所不在,但我们也有抗恐惧的法子
  It's hard to imagine or measure.  很难设想或衡量
  The background radiation is simply too static to be able to be seen under the normal spectral analysis. 背景辐射过于静态,普通光谱分析根本无法检测出来
  But we feel as though there are times when a lot of us -- you know what I'm say'n? 但有些时候我们也会觉得,当许多人 --你们懂的
  But -- you know what I'm say'n?  但是呢,你们懂的
  Cuz, like, as a hip hop thing, you know what I'm say'n, TED be rock'n -- you know what I'm say'n. 就嘻哈音乐那种范儿,你们都懂的,TED赞爆了--就这意思
  Like so I wrote a song, and I hope you guys dig it. 我写了首歌,希望大家喜欢