TED演讲: 用最有趣的方法让你晕头转向(4)(在线收听

   So, as I say before the last piece, feel not as though it is a sphere we live on, 所以,就像我在最后一首歌前说的,不要只觉得地球只是我们生存的地方

  rather an infinite plane which has the illusion of leading yourself back to the point of origin. 它其实是一个广袤无垠的平原,有着带领你溯本追源的幻觉
  Once we understand that all the spheres in the sky are just large infinite planes, 一旦我们了解天空中的那些空间,都仅是广袤无垠的平原
  it will be plain to see. Ha Ha Ha. This is my final piece. 就会觉得"原"来如此了,哈哈哈。这是我最后一曲
  And just remember, everything you are--it's more important to realize the negative space, 记住,你的一切--最重要的是认识到负空间
  as music is only the division of space; it is the space we are listening to divided as such, 正如音乐仅是空间的一部分,我们所聆听的空间被分割成这样
  which gives us the information comparison to something other 传达给我们信息相比于其它的
  that gives us the idea of what the idea that wants to be transmitted wants to be. 告诉我们想传递哪些想法,想产生哪些想法
  So please, without further ado. Thank you. 好了,不罗嗦了。谢谢
  This is a fun one. It goes like this. 这首很有趣。是这么唱的
  Okay, for the last piece I'd like to do, this one goes very similar to this. 我要唱的最后一曲跟这首很相像
  I hope you guys recognize it. Here we go. 我希望你们等会能听出来。开始吧
  Okay, that still works. Okay, good. All right, here we go. 好,还老当益壮,很好。好,来了啊
  Thank you. Enjoy the rest. Thank you.  谢谢大家,请尽情享受接下来的活动,谢谢