
   The simplest example of this is in the polite request.  最简单的例子出自于礼貌的要求

  If you express your request as a conditional -- "if you could open the window, that would be great" 倘若你用一个条件句表达请求:“您要是能开一下窗子就太好了,”
  even though the content is an imperative, the fact that you're not using the imperative voice 尽管内容是祈使句,仅仅因为你没有用祈使语态
  means that you're not acting as if you're in a relationship of dominance,  就显示出你并没有按照一种支配的人际关系行事
  where you could presuppose the compliance of the other person.  你并没有假设他人必须服从
  On the other hand, you want the damn guacamole.  可另一方面,你想要那个该死的鳄梨沙拉酱
  By expressing it as an if-then statement,  用一个“如果—那么”巨型,
  you can get the message across without appearing to boss another person around. 你把意思说清楚了,却不会让人觉得你在指使他
  And in a more subtle way, I think, this works for all of the veiled speech acts involving plausible deniability: 我认为这样挺微妙,效果也不错,种种含蓄的言行保留了拒绝的可能:
  the bribes, threats, propositions, solicitations and so on. 贿赂、威胁、提议、恳请等等
  One way of thinking about it is to imagine what it would be like  有一种理解方式就是想象
  if language -- where it could only be used literally.  当语言只能表达字面义
  And you can think of it in terms of a game-theoretic payoff matrix. 你可以把它当作博弈论中的得失矩阵来思考
  Put yourself in the position of the kidnapper wanting to bribe the officer. 把你放在那个想贿赂警官的绑匪的位置上
  There's a high stakes in the two possibilities of having a dishonest officer or an honest officer. 全部的赌注都压在这两种可能性上:警官不老实或者他是老实人
  If you don't bribe the officer, then you will get a traffic ticket 假如你不贿赂他,你得吃罚单
  or, as is the case of "Fargo," worse -- whether the honest officer is honest or dishonest. 或者,就像《冰风血》中的情况一样,那更糟。不管那个警官到底老实不老实。
  Nothing ventured, nothing gained. In that case, the consequences are rather severe. 爱拼才会赢。这种情况下,后果很严重
  On the other hand, if you extend the bribe, if the officer is dishonest, you get a huge payoff of going free. 换一方面,你要是掏出钱来,如果警官吃贿赂,你全身而退,讨了个大巧。