美国小学英语教材3:第111课 布莱德诺克的小棕仙(6)(在线收听

   And the young people of the town were not lonely. Oh, no.  小镇里的年轻人也不感到孤单了。他们绝对不会的。

  People came from everywhere, because they wanted to see the strange little man. 各地的人都来到了这里,因为他们想见见这个奇怪的小人儿。
  But no grown people ever saw him. 但成年人没有一个见过他。
  If they went ten times a day to the barn in which he stayed, they would not find him. 即使他们到他待的谷仓天去10次也找不到他。
  The bowl that held his porridge was always empty in the morning, but no one ever saw the brownie eating his supper. 到了早上,盛粥的碗总是空的,但没有人看到过小棕仙吃晚饭。
  Little children were the only ones who saw him. 只有小孩子们见过他。
  And, oh, how he loved them! And they loved him just as much. 啊,他真的是太爱他们了!他们也同样喜欢他。
  A little while before bedtime they would gather around him in some quiet corner near the old mill. 睡觉前的一小会儿,他们会在老磨坊附近的某个安静的角落里,聚在他身旁。
  Then the older people would hear wonderful, low, sweet music. 然后,大人们就会听到神奇的音乐声,那声音低沉而甜美。
  It was Aiken-Drum, singing the songs of his own land to the happy children. 那是艾肯·德拉姆在给这些快乐的孩子们唱着自己家乡的歌曲。
  Why Aiken-Drum Left Blednock 艾肯·德拉姆离开布莱德诺克的原因
  The brownie might be in Blednock yet, helping people with their work; but someone forgot what the little man had said, in his strange song: 小棕仙或许会在布莱德诺克待一阵子,帮助人们干活儿,但是有人却忘了这个小人儿在他的歌里唱的:
  "A bite to eat, a bed on hay “给点儿吃的,给张草床,
  You may give; but nothing pay. “您能给点儿,别无他求。”
  You see, a brownie loves to give; he will not work for pay. But someone forgot this. 看,一个小棕仙喜欢奉献,不求回报。但是,有人忘了这一点。