英语听力精选进阶版 6483(在线收听

Helen: Hello, this is Real English from BBC Learning English, I’m Helen.

Jean: 大家好,我是董征。欢迎收听地道英语。

Helen: In Real English, we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.

Jean: 和汉语一样,英语语言里也是有好多的成语和俗语。所以要想听得懂英国人日常的说话聊天,咱们就要多学点儿这些通俗语言和用法。

Helen: and our word for today is a rather painful one!


SFX: Thump and argh!

Jean: Ow! 听上去好像谁被打了一拳啊?这个是不是和我们今天要学的新词儿有关?不是要学和打架有关的词吧?

Helen: No, the word we’re looking at today describes what you might get if someone punches you…. It’s a black eye.

Jean: A black eye,可不是黑色眼睛的意思,而是你被人家打了一拳以后青紫的黑眼圈儿,是吧 Helen?

Helen: Yes it’s a bruise, but specifically a bruise around your eye… a black eye.

Jean: A black eye – 不过这种瘀血可不能算是黑色的吧?我们中国人说“鼻青脸肿”,就是因为它是青的,不是黑的。

Helen: That’s right, it’s more like a blue eye really, but we say it’s a black eye.


A: He’s got a nasty black eye – was he in a fight?

B: No, he just walked into a door!

Jean: Oh dear… 所以希望大家一定要小心不要卷入任何的打架斗殴, black eye就是眼眶打青了或者不小心撞重了以后产生的黑眼圈。

Helen: I’m lucky; I’ve never had a black eye. Join us next time for more Real English from BBC Learning English.

Jean: Goodbye!

Helen: Bye!
