英语听力精选进阶版 6489(在线收听

Jo: Hello, this is Real English from BBC Learning English, I’m Jo.

Sun Chen: 我是孙晨。这就是我们的地道英语。

Jo: In Real English, we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.

Sun Chen: 就是。英语说起来,其实有特别多的口语,还有习惯用语。所以你可要赶紧跟上,随时把握每天英语当中最常用的说法。

Jo: And today we’re looking at a strange expression - to be a dead ringer for…. to be a dead ringer for…

Sun Chen: 这个说法听起来怎么这么怪啊!这个词组究竟是什么意思呢?

Jo: It’s a way of saying that somebody looks very similar to someone else.

Sun Chen: 啊,你这么一说我就明白了。其实这种说法的意思,就是说谁长得像谁。

Jo: That’s right. We also use the expression ‘the spitting image of’ to talk about someone looking similar to someone else, sometimes someone famous.


A. Look over there, is that David Beckham?

B. No, it can’t be!

A. No maybe you’re right, but that guy’s a dead ringer for him.

Jo: The expression ‘dead ringer’ is so well-known in Britain, that there is even a radio and TV series called ‘Dead Ringers’.

Sun Chen: 那这些节目当中,都有些什么呢?

Jo: It’s a comedy programme where people impersonate famous people.

Sun Chen: impersonate – 学人家,模仿别人。那参与这些节目的人都长得特像名人吗?

Jo: Well, not really, but they dress up and put on make-up so that they do! Anyway, to recap, today’s expression is ‘to be a dead ringer for …’

Sun Chen: 说的就是长的像谁,特别是说长的像名人。

Jo: Join us next time for more Real English, from BBC Learning English.

Sun Chen: 我们下次节目再见!Bye。

Jo: Goodbye.
