英语听力精选进阶版 6491(在线收听

Helen: This is Real English from BBC Learning English. I’m Helen.

Chen Li: 我是陈藜. 今天我们要学的新词是?

Helen: Today’s new word is ‘franchise’. – F.R.A.N.C.H.I.S.E. – franchise.

Chen Li: Franchise. 解释一下。

Helen: Well, listen carefully. Franchise is a business word.

Chen Li: 这是一个商业词汇

Helen: A franchise is formal permission, like a licence, to use the name and products of a company.

Chen Li: Franchise是使用一个公司名字和产品的正式的许可证,比如证书。

Helen: Exactly. I’ll explain some more. Do you eat fast food?

Chen Li: 我尽量避免,但是有时我还是去麦当劳。

Helen: Right. Now, there are McDonald’s restaurants all over the world. They are franchises.

Chen Li: I see. 如果我想开一家麦当劳,我需要一个许可证书.

Helen: Yes. You need to pay for the franchise. Then you could use the name and sell the products.

Chen Li: 但是,这仅仅限于餐馆不是么?Helen?

Helen: No. it could be for shops or any type of business.


A: Would you like to open a franchise restaurant or try something original?

B: I’m not sure. With a franchise you have more chance of success – everybody already knows the name, but you have less freedom, I think.

Chen Li: 那你会出钱购买一个许可证吗?

Helen: No. You need a lot of money to buy a franchise. And I don’t have a lot of money to spare.

Chen Li: 是的,购买一个许可证需要很多钱

Helen: Yes, franchises are not cheap.

Chen Li: 好了,我们复习一下,franchise一个公司给与个人可以使用他们名字和销售其产品的证书.

Helen: well, you’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us again soon. Bye.

Chen Li: See you next time.
