英语听力精选进阶版 6520(在线收听

Neil: This is Real English from BBC Learning English. I’m Neil.

Helen: And I’m Helen.

Neil: This is the programme in which we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.

Helen: 地道英语和大家一起学习现代英式英语中经常出现的流行词汇和实用表达。So Neil what’s that on your face? Are you growing a beard?

Neil: Well, not really, I just haven’t shaved for a few days.

Helen: Oh I see, so you’ve got stubble.

Neil: That’s right. Today we’re looking at the word "stubble".

Helen: So what’s the difference between a beard and stubble? Beard 和 stubble, 这两个词其实都和胡子有关,但是它们之间到底有什么区别呢?

Neil: Well, stubble is the very short beard you get if don’t shave for a few days.

Helen: Stubble 就是短胡子,几天不刮胡子就会有一圈 stubble。


A: Ow, get off! Stop kissing me!

B: What’s wrong? I’m your husband!

A: Your stubble really hurts my face! Have a shave!

Neil: Can you think of any famous men who have stubble?

Helen: Well, there’s David Beckham. 贝克汉姆就经常不刮胡子。

Neil: David Beckham’s got designer stubble.

Helen: Designer stubble? What’s designer stubble?

Neil: Some men keep their beard at a very short length all the time to be fashionable. This is called "designer stubble".

Helen: 贝克汉姆的短胡子和一般人的胡子还不一样,他的是 designer stubble。他留的是胡须很短,而且他每天都得精心修剪,保持他的 stubble。

Neil: Stubble is an uncountable noun, so we say "some stubble", not "a stubble" or "stubbles".

Helen: 短胡子是不可数名词,所以我们可以说 "some stubble", 但不能说 "a stubble" 或者 "stubbles"。 后面没有 "s". Does your wife like your stubble then, Neil?

Neil: Well, she likes the way it looks, but not the way it feels.

Helen: Hmm, 虽然男人们觉得留了短胡子是时髦, 可是他们的女朋友们亲他们的时候可就得受苦了。胡子真的很扎人。

Neil: You’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us again soon for some more up-to-the-minute Real English. Bye.

Helen: See you next time.
