英语听力精选进阶版 6523(在线收听

Neil: This is Real English from BBC Learning English. I'm Neil.

Helen: And I'm Helen.

Neil: Today we're going to look at words and phrases that have recently become part of the English language.

Helen: 在今天的节目里,我们要一块儿来学学在英语中出现的新词儿

Neil: It's very important to stay up-to-date with English as new words and expressions enter the language all the time.

Helen: Neil, 今天的新词儿是什么呢?

Neil: Today’s new word is 'fag' – F.A.G. – fag.

Helen: 这个 Fag 是什么意思呀?

Neil: Well, fag is a slang word for cigarette.

Helen: 原来 fag 是香烟的俚语啊,那 Neil 我们应该怎么来用这个 fag 呢?

Neil: Well, in exactly the same way you use cigarette. It's a countable noun.

Helen: Fag 是个可数名词,和 cigarette 的用法一模一样。那我们来举个例子吧, Neil?

Neil: OK. If I offer you a cigarette, I could say "Would you like a fag?"

Helen: Would you like a fag 意思就是你要抽烟吗?

Neil: That's right. But then I'd say, "Sorry, I don't smoke"!


A: Have you got any fags?

B: I've got a couple. You can have one if you like.

A: Could you put that fag out, please!

B: Sorry, I didn't realise this was a no smoking area.

Helen: Do you smoke fags then, Neil?

Neil: No. I don't like the smell.

Helen: 没错,吸烟有害健康。

Neil: Yes, but many people still smoke fags.

Helen: 为什么呢?

Neil: Well, it is very hard to stop smoking fags.

Helen: 是啊,想让人们停止吸烟是非常困难的。

Neil: Indeed. It is best if you never start smoking fags in the first place. Anyway, let's recap – fag – is an informal word for cigarettes.

Helen: 对,fag 就是香烟的俚语,可别忘了啊。Neil, 我们的时间又要到了。

Neil: Yes, that's it. You've been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us again soon for more up-to-the-minute Real English. Bye.

Helen: 我们下次再见。
