
   Metaphor lives a secret life all around us. 暗喻秘密地生活在我们中间。

  We utter about six metaphors a minute. 于我们的言谈中,每分钟大约会出现六个暗喻。
  Metaphorical thinking is essential to how we understand ourselves and others, 暗喻思维是一把钥匙,它可以开启我们相互理解
  how we communicate, learn, discover and invent. 沟通、学习、发现和创新的大门。
  But metaphor is a way of thought before it is a way with words. 首先,暗喻是一种思维方式。
  Now, to assist me in explaining this, I've enlisted the help of one of our greatest philosophers, 为了说明这一点,我请教了一位当代最伟大的哲学家,
  the reigning king of the metaphorians, a man whose contributions to the field are so great that he himself has become a metaphor. 当权的暗喻皇帝,一位因其对暗喻学的巨大贡献而自身成了一位暗喻的人物。
  I am, of course, referring to none other than Elvis Presley. 当然,我指的不是别人,正是猫王埃尔维斯-普雷斯利。
  Now, "All Shook Up" is a great love song. 好,《神魂颠倒》(意即整个人都被动摇了)是一首经典情歌。
  It's also a great example of how whenever we deal with anything abstract 也是一个极好的暗喻范例,它诠释了当我们面临抽象事物时,
  ideas, emotions, feelings, concepts, thoughts -- we inevitably resort to metaphor. 无论是主意、情绪、感觉、概念亦或是思想,都不得不求助于暗喻。
  In "All Shook Up," a touch is not a touch, but a chill. 在《神魂颠倒》中,触摸不再是触摸,而是寒气。
  Lips are not lips, but volcanoes. She is not she, but a buttercup. 嘴唇不再是嘴唇,而是火山。她不再是她,而是毛茛花(一种小黄花)。
  And love is not love, but being all shook up. 爱情也不再是爱情,而是变得神魂颠倒了。
  In this, Elvis is following Aristotle's classic definition of metaphor 在这里,埃尔维斯采用的完全是亚里士多德对暗喻的经典定义,
  as the process of giving the thing a name that belongs to something else. 亦即是把B事物的名称赋予给A事物的过程。
  This is the mathematics of metaphor. And fortunately it's very simple. X equals Y. 这就是暗喻的数学公式。幸好它很简单。X等于Y。