
   If you are like 98 percent of other people, 如果你象其余百分之九十八的人一样,

  you will identify the round, amoeboid shape as Bouba, and the sharp, spiky one as Kiki. 你会把这个圆圆的,变形虫形状的叫做Bouba,把尖尖的,刺猬状的叫做Kiki。
  Can we do a quick show of hands? Does that correspond? 是这样的请举手?是不是象我说的那样?
  Okay, I think 99.9 would about cover it. Why do we do that? 好,我想大概99.9%是那样。这是为什么?
  Because we instinctively find, or create, a pattern between the round shape and the round sound of Bouba, 因为我们本能地去找寻,或者创造一个模式,把圆的图形与Bouba这个圆的声音联系起来。
  and the spiky shape and the spiky sound of Kiki. 对尖的图形和尖的声音Kiki也是如此。
  And many of the metaphors we use everyday are synesthetic. Silence is sweet. 我们日常生活中的暗喻多是联觉性的:沉默是甜的(抑或沉默是金)。
  Neckties are loud. Sexually attractive people are hot. 领结是花骚的。性感的人是火辣的。
  Sexually unattractive people leave us cold. 而不性感的人让我们觉得冷冰冰的。
  Metaphor creates a kind of conceptual synesthesia, 暗喻构筑了一个概念联觉的空间,
  in which we understand one concept in the context of another. 我们在其中用一种概念的情境来理解另一种概念。
  Third step is cognitive dissonance. This is the Stroop test. 第三步是认知失调。这是Stroop测试。
  What you need to do here is identify as quickly as possible 请你尽快指出构成这些词的字母
  the color of the ink in which these words are printed. You can take the test now. 在图片中实际的颜色。就从现在开始。
  If you're like most people, 如果你和大多数人一样,
  you will experience a moment of cognitive dissonance when the name of the color is printed in a differently colored ink. 颜色的名称和图片中实际的颜色不符,会使你暂时地认知失调。
  The test shows that we cannot ignore the literal meaning of words 这个测试表明我们无法忽视这些词的字面意义,
  even when the literal meaning gives the wrong answer. 尽管字面意义上的答案是错误的。
  Stroop tests have been done with metaphor as well. Stroop测试也曾被用于暗喻上,
  The participants had to identify, as quickly as possible, the literally false sentences. 受试者需要尽快地辨识那些字面上错误的句子,其中包括暗喻。
  They took longer to reject metaphors as false than they did to reject literally false sentences. 他们要花更长的时间才能把包含暗喻的句子从中挑出来。