
   We've started analyzing television content using the same principles -- 我们开始分析电视内容,用同样的原则--

  analyzing event structure of a TV signal -- 分析一个电视信号的事件结构--
  episodes of shows, commercials, all of the components that make up the event structure. 电视剧集,广告,所有的组成事件结构的成分
  And we're now, with satellite dishes, pulling and analyzing a good part of all the TV being watched in the United States. 我们现在通过卫星电视,抽出分析了在美国高收视率的电视节目
  And you don't have to now go and instrument living rooms with microphones to get people's conversations, 你不再需要把麦克风装在起居室里来记录人们的对话
  you just tune into publicly available social media feeds. 你只要去听公开的社交媒体讯息就可以了
  So we're pulling in about three billion comments a month, and then the magic happens. 我们每个月抽出大概30亿个评论,奇迹发生了
  You have the event structure, the common ground that the words are about, coming out of the television feeds; 这中间可以找到事件结构,这些词汇的共同基础,那些从这次电视讯息里透露出的反馈
  you've got the conversations that are about those topics; and through semantic analysis 你得到有关这些话题的对话,通过语意分析
  and this is actually real data you're looking at from our data processing 你们看到的这个是根据我们的数据处理过后的真实的数据结果
  each yellow line is showing a link being made between a comment in the wild and a piece of event structure coming out of the television signal. 每条黄线显示一个链接,连接着外界的评论和电视信号发出的事件结构间的关系
  And the same idea now can be built up. 这都是用同样的思路构建起来的
  And we get this wordscape, except now words are not assembled in my living room. 我们得到了这个词汇背景,不过现在词汇不是从我的客厅里来的。
  Instead, the context, the common ground activities, are the content on television that's driving the conversations. 取而代之的情境,共同基础活动,是电视内容带动的对话
  And what we're seeing here, these skyscrapers now, are commentary that are linked to content on television. 我们现在看到的这些高耸的结构都是电视评论,它们跟电视上播放的内容联系着
  Same concept, but looking at communication dynamics in a very different sphere. 同样的概念,但是你们看见的是它在不同的领域展现的交流动态。