英语听力精选进阶版 6531(在线收听

Neil: Hello, welcome to Real English from BBC Learning English, I’m Neil.

Helen: 大家好,我是 Helen。

Neil: In Real English we look at words and phrases people use all the time, but you probably won't find in your dictionary.

Helen: 希望在今天的地道英语节目中,您能学到在书本里找不到的英语常用表达。

Neil: You know Mike?

Helen: Mike? Oh yeah, that guy who's always talking and sounds really confident.

Neil: Yeah him, He's really got the gift of the gab.

Helen: 我们说的这个人 Mike, 他说话特别自信。

Neil: In English we have an expression to describe someone like that. We say he's got the gift of the gab.

Helen: The gift of the gab. It means he speaks in a way that makes people want to listen to him. 这个短语的意思就是说这个人能说会道,而且他说的话大家都能听得进去。


A: John's best-man speech was amazing.

B: I know, it was so funny. I could have listened to him for ages.

B:He's really got the gift of the gab!

Helen: So, what kind of people have the gift of the gab?

Neil: Well, a good salesman should have the gift of the gab.

Helen: Of course. 做销售的就应该有这种能说会道的能力。

Neil: TV presenters have the gift of the gab.

Helen: 电视台的播音员也有 the gift of the gab.

Neil: And you have the gift of the gab too, Helen.

Helen: Me?

Neil: You’re a radio presenter!

Helen: Neil 觉得我也有 the gift of the gab 因为我也在电台工作。

Neil: That’s all we have time for today. Remember, to describe someone who speaks very confidently and in a way that makes you want to listen, we say they have the gift of the gab.

Helen: 如果我们想形容那些说话有很强的说服力的人,就可以用这个表达 have the gift of the gab.

Neil: To learn more Real English, go to our website www.bbcchina.com.cn.

Helen: www.bbcchina.com.cn. 今天的地道英语就到这儿。下次节目再见。

Neil: Bye!
