英语听力精选进阶版 6536(在线收听

Yang Li: 大家好,欢迎收听BBC 的地道英语, 我是Yang Li。

Diarmuid: And I’m Diarmuid. In Real English we look at words and expressions you might not find in your dictionary. Today’s expression is size zero.

Yang Li: 这个表达是用来描绘那些身材特别纤细,瘦小的女孩子。

Diarmuid: Size zero is actually an American clothing size.

Yang Li: 这是来自美国的衣服尺寸,零号是最小号的。不过现在它不单单代表一个衣服尺寸,而是和一个概念相联了,尤其是在欧洲, 是用来形容那些很瘦很瘦的模特儿。

Diarmuid: To be size zero, you need to be very, very thin. Some people think that is attractive, but it is quite controversial.

Yang Li: Controversial – 具有争议性的。Why?

Diarmuid: Because many people think that encouraging young women to think that they need to be a size zero to be attractive is dangerous – it could encourage eating disorders.

Yang Li: 引起饮食疾患 eating disorders – 有些人为了瘦下来而不顾一切的节食,结果对身体造成了很大的伤害 。

Diarmuid: Some fashion models say they are naturally that slim.

Yang Li: 不过很多人觉得除非特意的去减肥,不然没人会自然的瘦成那样。

Diarmuid: Many doctors say that it is unhealthy to be that thin, and some fashion shows have banned models who are size zero.

Yang Li: 让我们来听听这个零号表达在新闻里是怎么用的吧。


Health professionals have voiced concerns about the trend for ‘size zero’ fashion models, saying that it is generally unhealthy for a woman to be so thin. They also worry that teenage girls will try to imitate the size zero models and that eating disorders will increase.

Diarmuid: Well, we’ve run out of time now.

Yang Li: 让我们复习一下 – 今天的表达是用来形容非常非常瘦的女孩子,同时也是美国衣服尺寸的最小号。

Diarmuid: Size zero.

Yang Li: 我们下次节目再见!

