
   "I wish I'd let myself be happier." “我希望我能让自己过得跟快乐些。”

  Well, here I can't help but think of the groundbreaking clinical trials recently conducted at East Carolina University 的确,我在这里还是帮不上忙,但是想想近来被东卡罗来纳州立大学进行的一些有突破的临床试验表明
  that showed that online games can outperform pharmaceuticals for treating clinical anxiety and depression. 网络游戏可以更有效地超过药物对焦虑和忧郁症的临床治疗。
  Just 30 minutes of online game play a day was enough to create dramatic boosts in mood and long-term increases in happiness. 只需要每天花30分钟打网络游戏,就足够能戏剧性的鼓励激情、长期增加快乐。
  "I wish I'd had the courage to express my true self." 我希望我曾鼓励过我做真正的自己。
  Well, avatars are a way to express our true selves, our most heroic, idealized version of who we might become. 对的,虚拟人物是一个能真正表现我们自己的方式,我们可以变成我们最英雄、最理想化的版本。
  You can see that in this alter ego portrait by Robbie Cooper of a gamer with his avatar. 你们可以从这个游戏玩家Robbie Copper的自我意识的画像和神的化身中看出。
  And Stanford University has been doing research for five years now to document 并且斯坦福大学以后做了五年的教学研究,
  how playing a game with an idealized avatar changes how we think and act in real life, 去记录和一个理想化的化身打游戏怎么能使得我们的想法和行为在现实生活中改变。
  making us more courageous, more ambitious, more committed to our goals. 可以让我们变得更大胆,更有抱负,更能坚持我们的目标。
  "I wish I'd led a life true to my dreams, and not what others expected of me." 我希望我曾为我的梦想而活,而不是按照别人的要求苟活。
  Are games doing this yet? I'm not sure, so I've left a Super Mario question mark. 玩游戏已经帮上忙了吗?我不确定,所以我先留一个问号,一个很大的马赛克问号。
  We're going to come back to this one. 我们一会再回来解决这个问题。
  But in the meantime, perhaps you're wondering, who is this game designer to be talking to us about deathbed regrets? 但以此同时,你可能会想,这个游戏设计家有权威跟我们谈论那些临终遗憾嘛?
  And it's true, I've never worked in a hospice, I've never been on my deathbed. 其实真的,我从来没有在善终医院工作过,我也从来没有躺在临终床上过。
  But recently I did spend three months in bed, wanting to die. Really wanting to die. 但是,最近我真的有花了3个月的时间在床上,渴望着死亡。真的渴望着死亡的到来。