
   Now let me tell you that story. 现在让我告诉你们那个故事吧。

  It started two years ago, when I hit my head and got a concussion. 这得从两年前说起,当我头被撞后我得了脑震荡。
  The concussion didn't heal properly, and after 30 days, 直到现在,脑震荡还没有痊愈。在那之后的30天后,
  I was left with symptoms like nonstop headaches, nausea, vertigo, memory loss, mental fog. 后遗症是不停的头痛,恶心,眩晕,失忆,精神模糊。
  My doctor told me that in order to heal my brain, I had to rest it. 我的医生告诉我为了使我的大脑痊愈,我不得不让它休息。
  So I had to avoid everything that triggered my symptoms. 所以,我不得不避免接触可以导致那些后遗症在的事。
  For me that meant no reading, no writing, no video games, no work or email, no running, no alcohol, no caffeine. 对我来着意味着,不看书,不写东西,不打电子游戏,不能工作和写邮件,不可以跑步,不能喝酒,不可以吃有咖啡因的东西。
  In other words — and I think you see where this is going — no reason to live. 换句话说,你应该知道我将要到了什么境地了--再没有理由继续活下去。
  Of course it's meant to be funny, but in all seriousness, suicidal ideation is quite common with traumatic brain injuries. 当然,这听起来有点好笑,但是老实说,自杀的想法是十分的普遍的被大脑受伤后的精神创伤影响着的。
  It happens to one in three, and it happened to me. 三个当中有一个中招,我就是其中一个。
  My brain started telling me, "Jane, you want to die." It said, "You're never going to get better." 我的大脑告诉我,Jane, 你想死。你将再也好不起来了。
  It said, "The pain will never end." 还说,疼痛恶魔会一直纠缠你不放。
  And these voices became so persistent and so persuasive that I started to legitimately fear for my life, 这些话开始持续不停,并且越来越有说服力,我开始很合理地对生命有了恐惧,
  which is the time that I said to myself after 34 days — and I will never forget this moment 在34天之后那时我对自己说,我一直都忘记不了当时的情形,
  I said, "I am either going to kill myself or I'm going to turn this into a game." 我说,我要么自杀,要么就就把它变成一场游戏。
  Now, why a game? I knew from researching the psychology of games for more than a decade that when we play a game  就现在而言,为什么是游戏? 我知道打游戏心里学的研究已经有10多年了,
  and this is in the scientific literature 这是个科学的话题,
  we tackle tough challenges with more creativity, more determination, more optimism, 当我们打游戏时候,我们用更多的的创作力、毅力和积极的心态去战胜棘手的困难。
  and we're more likely to reach out to others for help. 我们会更可能去从别人那里找援助。
  I wanted to bring these gamer traits to my real-life challenge, 我想把我的这些好的游戏品质带到现实的困境中。
  so I created a role-playing recovery game called Jane the Concussion Slayer. 于是我设计了一个树立榜样康复游戏,叫Jane脑震荡杀手。