
   Now this became my new secret identity, and the first thing I did as a slayer was call my twin sister 现在这个游戏变成了我的新的秘密身份。当时我当杀手的第一件事是打电话给我的孪生姐妹,

  I have an identical twin sister named Kelly — and tell her, 我的双胞胎姐妹叫Kelly--告诉她,
  "I'm playing a game to heal my brain, and I want you to play with me." 我现我要通过打游戏来促使大脑恢复,我想和你一起打。
  This was an easier way to ask for help. 这是一个最简单的方法去要求帮忙。
  She became my first ally in the game, my husband Kiyash joined next, 她成为了我在游戏里的一个盟友。我的老公Kiyash后来也加入了我们,
  and together we identified and battled the bad guys. 我们一起识别坏家伙并和他们决斗。
  Now this was anything that could trigger my symptoms and therefore slow down the healing process, 这样做好像是会导致我的病症发作的、痊愈的进展也会变慢,
  things like bright lights and crowded spaces. 有些东西像是强光和狭小的空间。
  We also collected and activated power-ups. 我们也收集和激活能量。
  This was anything I could do on even my worst day to feel just a little bit good, just a little bit productive. 这些都是在我最糟糕的日子里我所能做到的,能让我感觉一点点好起来,有一点小小的成绩。
  Things like cuddling my dog for 10 minutes, or getting out of bed and walking around the block just once. 比如,抱我的狗狗10分钟,从床上爬起来,绕着一个街区走一圈。
  Now the game was that simple: Adopt a secret identity, 现在看来那个游戏真的很简单:选择一个神秘的身份,
  recruit your allies, battle the bad guys, activate the power-ups. 招募你的盟友,和坏家伙斗争,并激活能量。
  But even with a game so simple, within just a couple days of starting to play, 即使就是这么一个简单的游戏,就在我开始玩游戏后的一两天内,
  that fog of depression and anxiety went away. It just vanished. 忧郁和烦躁的迷雾不见了。它消失得无影无踪。
  It felt like a miracle. Now it wasn't a miracle cure for the headaches or the cognitive symptoms. 感觉就像奇迹发生了。现在看起来这并不是一个对于头痛或是认知病症的奇迹疗法。
  That lasted for more than a year, and it was the hardest year of my life by far. 就这样持续了一年多,那时是我这辈子最艰难的一年。
  But even when I still had the symptoms, even while I was still in pain, I stopped suffering. 但是即使我觉得不舒服,即使疼痛还在,我却没有那么痛苦了。
  Now what happened next with the game surprised me. 游戏之后的收获使我很惊讶。
  I put up some blog posts and videos online, explaining how to play. 我写了怎么玩游戏的博客并上传了游戏到网上。
  But not everybody has a concussion, obviously, not everyone wants to be "the slayer," so I renamed the game SuperBetter. 显然,并不是每个人都曾有过脑震荡,也不是每个人都想变成“杀手”,现在我从新命名了游戏,叫SuperBetter。