美国小学英语教材4:第93课 弗兰德斯的狗(3)(在线收听


  In his thirteenth month Patrasche had been sold to a hard-hearted peddler, 帕特拉斯基在十三个月大的时候,被卖给了铁石心肠的小贩,
  who every day heaped his cart full of pots and pans and buckets, 小贩每天都往车里装满锅碗瓢盆,
  and made Patrasche draw the heavy load. 让帕特拉斯基拉着沉重的车子。
  The peddler himself walked along lazily by the side of the cart, smoking his black pipe. 小贩懒洋洋地走在马车旁边,抽着黑烟斗。
  Happily for Patrasche, he was very strong. 幸好帕特拉斯基比较强壮,
  So he did not die, but lived on under hunger, thirst, and blows. 没有死,而是在饥饿、干渴和打击下活着。
  One day the dog and his master were going along the road that leads past the village in which lived Jehan Daas and Nello. 有一天,帕特拉斯基和它的主人走在路上,这条路通向耶汉·达斯和内洛居住的村庄。
  It was a hot summer day, and Patrasche's cart was heavier than usual. 那是一个炎热的夏天,帕特拉斯基的马车比平常更重了。
  His owner walked on without noticing the dog except to crack the whip at him. 主人没有注意到狗,只是用鞭子抽打它。
  Thus Patrasche struggled along on a scorching road. 帕特拉斯基就这样在灼热的路上挣扎着前进。
  He had not eaten anything for twenty-four hours and had not tasted water for nearly twelve. 它24小时没吃东西,将近12个小时没喝水。
  Blind with dust, sore with blows, and weary with his load, the dog at last staggered and fell. 尘土吹得睁不开眼,鞭子打得又痛又累,终于帕特拉斯基踉踉跄跄倒在了地上。