
   So it will always fit together, conceptually, of course. 所以在概念的层面而言,它们一定能互相配合。

  If Zappa's music is performed, it gets its own logo. 如果演出Zappa的音乐,它会有自己独特的标志。
  Or Philip Glass or Lou Reed or the Chemical Brothers, who all performed there, get their own Casa da Musica logo. 或Philip Grass,或Lou Reed,或Chemical Brothers,谁在那里表演谁就有自己的标志。这是音乐之家自己的标志。
  It works the same internally with the president or the musical director, whose Casa da Musica portraits wind up on their business cards.  在音乐之家内部也是一样,不论是音乐之家主席或是音乐总监,他们的音乐之家画像印在他们的名片上。
  There is a full-blown orchestra living inside the building.  有一队完整的管弦乐队驻扎在那所建筑里。
  It has a more transparent identity. The truck they go on tour with.  他们拥有自己清晰的标志,这是他们巡演用的卡车。
  Or there's a smaller contemporary orchestra, 12 people that remixes its own title. 它们还有一个较小的现代乐团,一个以"交织"为名的十二人乐团,名字就交织在标志中。
  And one of the handy things that came about was that you could take the logo type and create advertising out of it. 十分方便的是,你可以用这个标志创造广告。
  Like this Donna Toney poster, or Chopin, or Mozart, or La Monte Young.  就像这幅Donna Toney海报,或肖邦,或莫扎特,或拉蒙杨。
  You can take the shape and make typography out of it. You can grow it underneath the skin.  你可以根据它的形状设计字样,你还可以把它从皮肤下长出来。
  You can have a poster for a family event in front of the house, or a rave underneath the house or a weekly program, as well as educational services. 你可以设计一张海报,介绍一项适合一大家子在音乐之家外面举行的活动,或在音乐之家下面举行的狂野派对,或每周定期举行的活动,又或是教育服务。