TED演讲 休假的力量(9)(在线收听

   Second insight. So far, until that point I had been mostly involved or used the language of design for promotional purposes, which was fine with me. 第二种体会:在那次长假之前,多数时候,我都使用设计语言帮助促销,那并没有什么不好。

  On one hand I have nothing against selling. My parents are both salespeople. 一方面我不反对销售,我父母都是销售员。
  But I did feel that I spent so much time learning this language, why do I only promote with it? 但我觉得,我花了这么多时间学习这种语言,为什么仅用来帮助促销?
  There must be something else. And the whole series of work came out of it. Some of you might have seen it. 应该还可以利用它做些其他事。这些作品都出自这个想法,有些你们可能已经见过。
  I showed some of it at earlier TEDs before, under the title "Things I've Learned in My Life So Far." I'll just show two now. 我在以前的TED大会上曾经展示过,标题是“至今我所学到的”,我现在就介绍两项。
  This is a whole wall of bananas at different ripenesses on the opening day in this gallery in New York. 这是一整面墙的香蕉,不同的生熟程度,在纽约的一家画廊开张那天。
  It says, "Self-confidence produces fine results." 上面说“自信产生优秀结果”。
  This is after a week. After two weeks, three weeks, four weeks, five weeks. 一周后、两周后、三、四、五周后。
  And you see the self confidence almost comes back, but not quite.  你可以看到,自信心几乎都回来了,只是几乎,不是全部。
  These are some pictures visitors sent to me. 这是一些客人发送给我的照片。
  And then the city of Amsterdam gave us a plaza and asked us to do something. 之后,阿姆斯特丹市给了我们一个广场,并要我们做些事情。
  We used the stone plates as a grid for our little piece. 我们用石板作为网格,当作我们一件小作品的背景。
  We got 250,000 coins from the central bank, at different darknesses. 我们从中央银行提了25万个硬币,颜色有不同的深度。
  So we got brand new ones, shiny ones, medium ones, and very old, dark ones. 有的崭新发亮、有半旧的和非常旧的,还有发黑的。
  And with the help of 100 volunteers, over a week, created this fairly floral typography that spelled, "Obsessions make my life worse and my work better." 用了一周多的时间,得到了100多志愿者的帮忙,创造了这个花卉模样的字样,文字是:“沉迷破坏生活,却使作品更好。”