
   Now the final part of the trilogy was I wanted to focus on the body and try to be the healthiest person I could be, the healthiest person alive. 最后一步是,我希望注重自己的身体,尽可能达到最健康的状态,成为世上最健康的人。

  So that's what I've been doing the last couple of years. 所以过去几年内我做了刚才提到的那些事情。
  And I just finished a couple of months ago. And I have to say, thank God. 我几个月前才刚刚停下来,我必须要说,谢天谢地终于结束了。
  Because living so healthily was killing me. 因为那种健康的生活方式快要害死我了。
  It was so overwhelming, because the amount of things you have to do, it's just mind-boggling. 太让人受不了了,因为有许多你不得不做的事情,数量多的让人难以置信。
  I was listening to all the experts and talking to sort of a board of medical advisers. 我听取了所有专家的意见,和许多医疗顾问交流。
  And they were telling me all the things I had to do. 他们告诉我所有必需做的事情。
  I had to eat right, exercise, meditate, pet dogs, because that lowers the blood pressure. 我必须正确膳食,锻炼,冥想,养宠物,因为那样可以降低血压。
  I wrote the book on a treadmill, and it took me about a thousand miles to write the book. I had to put on sunscreen. 我在跑步机上写书,为了这本书,我跑了近1000公里,我必须涂防晒霜。
  This was no small feat, because if you listen to dermatologists, they say that you should have a shot glass full of sunscreen. 这可是个大工程,因为如果你严格遵医嘱的话,皮肤专家会告诉你,你要准备满满一玻璃杯的防晒霜。
  And you have to reapply it every two to four hours. 同时,必须每2-4个小时再涂一次。
  So I think half of my book advance went into sunscreen. 所以我觉得我的书的前一半都是关于防晒霜的。
  I was like a glazed doughnut for most of the year.  我一年中大部分时间就像个光滑的甜甜圈。
  There was the washing of hands. I had to do that properly. 关于洗手方面,必须洗的正确。
  And my immunologist told me that I should also wipe down all of the remote controls and iPhones in my house,  免疫学家告诉我,我必须仔细擦拭家里所有的遥控器和iPhone,
  because those are just orgies of germs. So that took a lot of time. 因为它们滋生大量的细菌。这件事花费了我大量时间。