
   And the oars kind of became a symbol of just in how many ways I went beyond what I thought were my limits. 这些桨也变成了我可以用多种方式来突破我自认为是极限的标志。

  I suffered from tendinitis on my shoulders and saltwater sores on my bottom. 肩部的腱鞘炎让我十分痛苦,海水也杀的臀部非常疼。
  I really struggled psychologically, totally overwhelmed by the scale of the challenge,  我在心理上也非常挣扎过,完全是因为挑战的规模之大击垮了我,
  realizing that, if I carried on moving at two miles an hour, 3,000 miles was going to take me a very, very long time. 我意识到,如果我按照每小时2英里的速度划行,3000英里会让我划行很长很长时间。
  There were so many times when I thought I'd hit that limit,  好几次,我都觉得自己已经达到了极限,
  but had no choice but to just carry on and try and figure out how I was going to get to the other side without driving myself crazy. 但我没有别的选择,只有一路向前,我必须努力克制自己,好让自己能够知道如何前行,达到彼岸。
  And eventually after 103 days at sea, I arrived in Antigua.  最终,在海上航行了103天以后,我终于抵达了安提瓜。
  I don't think I've ever felt so happy in my entire life. 在我整个人生里,我从没这么高兴过。
  It was a bit like finishing a marathon and getting out of solitary confinement and winning an Oscar all rolled into one. 这有点像把完成了马拉松、走出禁闭室,以及赢得了奥斯卡的感觉合在一起的感觉。
  I was euphoric. And to see all the people coming out to greet me and standing along the cliff tops and clapping and cheering,  那一刻,我心潮澎湃。所有的人都跑过来向我问候,人们站在悬崖顶上鼓掌和唤呼,
  I just felt like a movie star. It was absolutely wonderful.  我觉得自己像电影明星。那感觉简直太棒了。
  And I really learned then that, the bigger the challenge, the bigger the sense of achievement when you get to the end of it. 我也确实明白了一个道理,困难越大,往往最终获得的成就感就越大。