留美老师带你每日说英文 第1073期:不要忽视身边对你好的人(在线收听

   It was then that I realized this guy wasn't putting stuff on my seat to annoy me. He was saving me the seat every morning. And this whole time he saw me as a friend but I was too busy thinking about myself to take him into consideration.

  1.realize 明白;认识到;意识到
  realize (v.) 明白;认识到;意识到
  2.seat 座位;座椅
  seat (n.) 座位;座椅
  3.annoy 烦扰;打搅;使烦恼
  annoy (v.) 烦扰;打搅;使烦恼
  annoying (adj.) 讨厌的;恼人的
  4.take sth/sb into consideration 把某人/某事纳入考虑
  take sth/sb into consideration (phr.) 把某人/某事纳入考虑