美国小学英语教材5:第5课 与海军上将伯德同游小亚美利加(3)(在线收听

   Of the chief group, the Administration Building was most important. 在主要的群落里,行政楼占据着非常重要的地位。

  Besides living quarters for a number of the party, including Admiral Byrd, it contained a radio laboratory with instruments for sending and receiving messages. 除了包括伯德上将在内的几名队员的住所外,它还有一间无线电实验室,里面安装了一些通信设备。
  Directly behind this building were the house for medical supplies and that which contained the food supplies. 这栋建筑后面,就是存放医疗用品和食品供给的仓库。
  These two were separated from each other to reduce loss in case of fire. 这两个仓库是分开的,为的是减少火灾的损失。
  It was, indeed, the danger of fire which made it necessary to separate all of the main buildings from each other. 实际上,他们把所有的主要建筑全部分离开来,就是为了防范火灾。
  Chief among the buildings of the second group was the Mess Hall. 第二个群落里的主要建筑被称为“综合楼”。
  Here were more living quarters, a radio station, a storehouse, and a photo workshop, all under one roof. 楼内包括更多的生活区,一个无线电站,一间仓库,一间摄影棚。
  A little distance away were the quarters for the dogs, and the sledge-repair and blacksmith shop. 不远处就是狗舍,雪橇修理处,以及铁匠铺。
  The third group of buildings included the aviation repair shop and storage space for the gasoline supply. 第三个建筑群包括飞机修理处,以及汽油库。