VOA常速英语2018--全息技术为获取知识带来便利(在线收听) |
In what’s believed to be a first London’s Imperial College Business School is using holographic technology to present lectures to students. From California Marrowli NaicaGoogle’s product manager was beamed onto a stage like Magic. The head of Imperials EdTech Lab says, this presents a window to the world. Through Holograms we can bring in lectures from across the globe, and they can appear in front of our students in a realistic manner. That’s the key. 在众人眼中的第一家伦敦帝国理工学院商学院里,有人正在利用全息技术向学生讲课。来自加州的谷歌产品经理像被人施用魔法了一样出现在台上。帝国理工实验室的负责人说,全息技术给世界打开了一扇窗。通过全息图,我们可以呈现世界各地的讲座,并以逼真的方式呈现在我们学生的面前。全息技术就是这把钥匙。 The developer of the technique explains how it works. We’re presenting a 2D image as a 3D image, and the iris is flat so we see everything in 2D. Our brain changes it to 3D. We’re doing exactly the same trick. We’re presenting a 2D image but with depth of field and a really good vision. My brain just changes it to 3D. Attendees say there are many ways this tool can help educators and students. With time differences, for example, Asian students, it’s not so easy to catch up the lectures in the US for example. 全息技术的研发者解释了该技术的工作原理。我们将二维图像呈现为三维图像。由于人类的虹膜是平的,所以我们只能看见二维图像,然后通过大脑将图像转换为三维的。全息技术也是同理。我们呈现的是二维图像,但带有景深和更深层的视觉。然后人脑可以将其转换为三维图像。多位与会者表示,全息技术可以通过多种方式帮助教育工作者和学生。比如,由于存在时差的问题,亚洲的学生们就很难赶上美国的课程。 The second thing we could do with, that is having CEOs coming to the classroom, and engage with students. And the third way probably is maybe have Albert Einstein coming to the classroom. There might be a long wait for that. Meanwhile, master student Josephine Collin says she prefers the interaction a hologram lecture offers compared to those presented online. 我们可以做的第二件事情就是:让首席执行官们来到教室,跟学生互动。第三种方式就是把阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦请到教室来。不过,第三种方式要假以时日才能实现。而且,研究生约瑟芬·科林表示,她本人更喜欢全系授课的互动方式,而非在线授课。 I wouldn’t mind it. I think it’s very interesting if we can have access to different lectures and different like guest speakers, things that technology, that’s something I would definitely enjoy. Developers say the cost of holographic technology has dropped considerably since the days it was used mostly in big-budget music shows making it possible for educational institutions to afford it. 我觉得还不错。很有趣,因为能够接触到不同的讲座,不同的客座演讲者,又融入了科技,这是我特别喜欢的地方。研发人员表示,全息技术的成本已大幅下降,这是因为以前这种技术主要用于鸿篇巨制的音乐秀里,其成本是教育机构无法负担的。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/voastandard/2018/11/455687.html |