美国小学英语教材3:第116课 睡美人(4)(在线收听

   The Young Prince 年轻的王子

  A hundred years went by. Then it happened that a young prince went to that land and was told the story of the enchanted castle. 100年过去了,一个年轻的王子路过这个地方,听说了这个中了魔法的城堡。
  At once he said, "I will find this Sleeping Beauty and awaken her!" 他立刻说:我要找到这位睡美人,唤醒她!
  The next day he set out for the castle. 第二天,他就出发去了城堡。
  When he came to the place where the hedge of trees had been growing, he found nothing but flowers, which opened a pathway for him. 当他来到原先长满树木的地方的时候,他只看到了许多花朵,这些花朵给他开了一条路。
  In the stables the prince saw the horses lying asleep. 在马厩里,王子看到了熟睡的马匹。
  On the roof sat the birds with their heads under their wings. 在房顶,小鸟坐在那里,把头埋在他们的翅膀下面。
  When he went into the castle, the flies were asleep upon the walls. 当他走进城堡的时候,苍蝇在墙上睡着。
  The cook in the kitchen was still pointing her finger at the boy who had forgotten his errand. 厨房里的厨师还在用手指指着那个忘了干活儿的男孩。
  Inside the castle the king and queen and all the other people slept peacefully. 城堡里面,国王、王后以及其他所有人都睡得很平静。
  The prince went on from room to room and at last came to the tower, where the princess was sleeping.  王子从一间屋子走到另一间屋子,最后来到了公主沉睡的塔楼。
  So beautiful did she look that he knelt and kissed her. 她看起来漂亮极了,于是王子跪了下来,亲吻了公主。
  At his touch the princess opened her eyes and smiled at him. 这一吻让公主睁开了眼睛,对他微笑起来。
  Together they went down and woke the king and the queen. 他们一起走下来,唤醒了国王和王后。
  Then all the people in the castle woke up and looked at each other in surprise. 接着,城堡里所有的人都醒了过来,互相好奇地打量着对方。
  The horses in the stables stood up and shook themselves. 马厩里的马匹站起来,抖了抖身体。
  The birds on the roof raised their heads from under their wings, looked around, and flew into the country. 屋顶上的鸟儿把头从翅膀下伸出来,望了望四周,飞进了这个国家。
  The flies buzzed and flew from the walls. 苍蝇继续嗡嗡作响,从墙上飞了起来。
  The fire in the kitchen began to roast the meat, and the cook shook her finger and scolded the boy. 厨房里的火焰又开始烤肉了,厨师摇动着手指,接着训斥那个男孩。