美国小学英语教材3:第117课 灰姑娘(1)(在线收听

   Cinderella  灰姑娘

  This story tells how a fairy helped a poor little girl to become a beautiful princess.  这则故事讲述了一个仙女是怎样帮助一个可怜的小姑娘变成美丽公主的。
  Cinderella's Selfish Sisters 灰姑娘自私的姐姐们
  Once upon a time there was a proud, selfish woman who had three daughters. 很久很久以前,有个傲慢自私的女人,她有三个女儿。
  The two older girls were proud and selfish, too, but the other daughter was kind and good.  大女儿和二女儿也很傲慢自私,但三女儿却非常善良。
  Now this unkind woman loved her two selfish daughters greatly, but she had no love for the youngest one. 这个冷酷的女人最喜欢的是她的两个自私的女儿,她一点儿也不喜欢最小的那个女儿。
  It always made her angry to hear the neighbors praise the kind and gentle ways of the youngest girl.  听到邻居们称赞小女儿为人善良温柔,她常常很恼火。
  So the mother gave her youngest daughter the very hardest work to do. 所以,这位母亲让小女儿做最繁重的活儿。
  She had to wash the clothes, scrub the floors, and clean the bedrooms. 小女儿每天都要洗衣服、擦地板、打扫卧室。
  She slept in the attic upon a hard straw bed, while her two sisters had fine rooms and the very softest beds. 她睡在阁楼里硬硬的草床上,而她的两个姐姐却有精致的卧室和非常柔软的床。
  They had looking-glasses, too, so large that they could see themselves from head to foot.  她们还有很大很大的衣镜,可以看到从头到脚全身的样子。
  But the poor girl was always kind and gentle.  但这个可怜的姑娘总是很善良温柔。
  She did not even tell her troubles to her father, because she did not want to say anything to him against her mother and sisters.  她没有把她的苦恼告诉她的父亲,因为她不想在他面前说她母亲和姐姐们的坏话。